Online Instructional Design Workshops & Webinars

All courses are free and open to WSU faculty and staff. If you are an external guest, you can access many of our workshops using the link.

Course Name Format Course Description
Designing Accessible Online Courses (NEW!) Online Training
  • Learn about accessibility in online courses.
  • Create more accessible content for your Canvas courses.
  • Not available to external guests.
Explore Adobe! Faculty Training (NEW!) Online Training
  • Learn how to include digital fluency in your courses using Adobe products.
  • Watch videos of WSU faculty using Adobe products in their classrooms.
  • Not available to external guests.
Thriving as an Online Student: Roadmap to Success (NEW!) Canvas Commons
  • Interactive workshop available for import into your Canvas course.
  • Equip students with strategies to excel in the online academic world. 
  • Not available to external guests.
Creating Effective Online Discussions Interactive Workshop
  • This course will help you use discussions to achieve high levels of learning.
  • You will create deep and engaging discussion prompts.
  • And you'll learn how to effectively administer and adapt your discussions to meet the needs of your learners and your course.
Humanize Your Online Course Webinar
  • Connect with your students and be more present in your online course without adding too much to your already full plate.
  • In this 25 minute webinar, you learn easy 5, 10, and 30 minute ideas to add to your course.
Learning Domains Canvas Workshop
  • You will discuss differences among the cognitive domain, affective domain, and psychomotor domain.
  • You will also identify learning objectives for each learning domain.
Test Construction Canvas Workshop
  • This course will help you identify well-constructed true/false, multiple-choice, matching, short-answer/completion, and essay questions.
  • You will also compute the difficulty index, discrimination index, and efficiency of true/false and multiple-choice questions.