At Weber State, you can earn a degree with little to no debt.
No really, you can actually earn a DEBT-FREE DEGREE
Here's How:
Low Cost 40% lower than national average
Academic Scholarships 4-year academic based on ACT/SAT + GPA
Fafsa federal aid
pell grants
Other Scholarships private
Personal Contribution internships
work study
off campus jobs
Our students graduate with Little to no debt
First, let's break out the total cost:
Compare us to the national average, and you see how affordable Weber State really is.
In-state 4-year degree
$26,224 for tuition & fees | $27,216 for room & board
Out-of-state 4-year degree
$70,180 for tuition & fees | $27,216 for room & board
We know... that is a BIG NUMBER! But don't worry, that isn't what you will actually pay.
Let's look at the sticker price vs actual cost
Sticker Price
It’s big, and it’s daunting. But for most families at Weber State, just like you, it’s not the number you will actually pay.
Weber State’s academic scholarships ARE WITH YOU FOR ALL 4-YEARS, unlike other school’s scholarships that are typically only awarded for one year.
These are need based and often don’t need to be repaid. All you need to do is apply through and see what you are eligible for.
Actual Cost
What you’re left with is the actual cost. It is the amount left over after all of the scholarships and grants have been applied and is usually less than the original sticker price.
Okay so, how much debt will you end up with?
That ultimately is up to you. The bottom line is that you can do this without the burden of debt.
Here are some tips how:
Financial Aid for First Time, Full Time, Undergrad, Degree-Seeking Students
students may receive multiple sources of aid
1. Apply for fafsa
Don’t leave FREE MONEY on the table. Everyone should apply-- you never know what you may be eligible for!
Work Obligations for Weber State students
2. Work, even part time
Gain experience while you learn! Find a job on or off campus to fit your schedule and help keep the cost down.
Extra semesters will lead to extra cost. Use your advisors and other graduation tracking apps to stay on task.
Just like FAFSA, you never know what you may be eligible for, so always keep an eye out for all scholarship opportunities.
Get an additional $1,000 tuition discount. (This is awarded on a first-come, first-served basis.)
These can help the left over costs, but be careful how much you take because they need to be paid back once you graduate.
So, if you do end up with debt after it all, how will you pay it off?
Weber State prepares you to be successful with great work ethic and experience through undergraduate research and internships.
At graduation, 83.5% of Weber State grads have full-time employment lined up
with an average starting salary of $56,000.
Combined, this makes paying back the little debt* you end up with easier and quicker. On average, Weber State students who have taken out loans graduate with $20,000 or less in total debt after graduation. *At some schools where few students borrow federal loans, the typical undergraduate may leave school with $0 in debt. (Source:
Don't just take our word for it.
Weber State is constantly recognized for our affordability and value.

COST IS WHAT YOU PAY, VALUE IS WHAT YOU GET. The bottom line is that you can do this without the burden of debt.