Wellness Pays Rewards Program: Healthy Activities Verification




Participate in 3 Employee Wellness sponsored classes

Verification can take many forms, but you must attach 3 classes per submission. 

For Employee Wellness classes:

  • You must register for classes on Training Tracker to receive credit. Please submit your Training Tacker history for verification. 

For Blomquist Hale and PEHP Webinars:

  • Please submit your registration confirmation email

For a pre-recorded presentation located on the Employee Wellness website:

  • Please submit the assessment completion confirmation email 

Click here for more information. 

Complete 3 monthly challenges

You must provide your monthly challenge tracking sheet to Employee Wellness at wellness@weber.edu

Enroll in a WSU health-related course

Verification should come from either unofficial transcripts or semester schedules.

Health courses include:

  • HLTH 1020- Human Nutrition
  • HLTH 1030- Healthy Lifestyles
  • HLTH 1110- Stress Management
  • HLTH 2220- Prenatal and Infant Nutrition
  • HLTH 2300- Emergency Response
  • HLTH 2400- Mind/Body Wellness
  • HLTH 2420- Childhood and Adolescent Nutrition
  • HLTH 3320- Health and Nutrition in the Older Adult
  • HLTH 3500- Human Sexuality
  • HAS 3150- Community Health Agencies and Services
  • CHF 1500- Human Development
  • MICRO 1153- Elementary Public Health

Consult with Employee Wellness for other health-related courses.

Check and record blood pressure and blood glucose

Preferred verification includes the use of a hand recorded Blood Pressure Log and Blood Glucose Log

Participate in Wellness Coaching for 3 Months

Employee Wellness has this information on record.

Other forms of coaching can come from our Employee Assistance Program, Blomquist Hale or PEHP. Verification can include a note from the therapist. Please include the number of sessions or meetings. 

Complete a lifestyle-improvement course

Acceptable verification includes receipt of payment, registration confirmation or program completion certificate, or email. 

View this list for approved activities. 

Consult with Employee Wellness for other ideas.

Read a wellness-related book Verification is the completion of this Book Reflection Form. (Writing a book for school for pleasure does not count towards the Wellness Pays Rewards Program.) Please consult with Employee Wellness if you have questions about book eligibility, or view our library.
Keep a Stress Management Log for 3 months

Verification should be a paper log, such as this Stress Management Log.

Logs should include the following:

  • At least 2 days of activity per week for 20 minutes each day
  • Description of activity
Participate in a weight management program for 3 months  

If using an off-campus service, please submit receipts for service. If using TOPS, please submit information from Training Tracker.