Jennifer Anderson


: WB 253
1337 Edvalson St.  Dept. 3802
Ogden, UT  84408


Jennifer S. Anderson joined the faculty of Weber State University in 2014 and serves as the chair of the Department of Business Administration & Marketing and an associate professor of business administration in the Goddard School of Business & Economics. She also serves on the Faculty Senate and is active in the Goddard School’s study abroad program. In addition to BA and MBA degrees, she holds a PhD in management and organizations from the Eller College of Management at the University of Arizona. She teaches in both the undergraduate and MBA programs at the Goddard School, focusing on organizational behavior, critical thinking, and leadership courses.

Dr. Anderson’s research interests focus on the motivating influences of organizational justice (fairness) on workplace behaviors, social dilemmas, and the role of business in driving social change. She pioneered research on the social psychological bases of greed and perceptions of greedy behavior. She is the recipient of several awards and grants in the areas of teaching, research and service. She is also a consulting editor for the Journal of Education for Business and reviewer for several scholarly journals.  In addition, she has broad work experience in a variety of leadership positions, including several years with the U.S. Army and 10 years with Starbucks Coffee Company


Ph.D., Management and Organizations - Eller College of Management at the University of Arizona, 2014

MBA - Michael G. Foster School of Business at the University of Washington, 1999

BA, Geography – University of Washington, 1990 


  • Buehler Teaching Fellow, 2021  
  • Center for Leadership in Corporate Social Responsibility Grant, 2019
  • Weber State University Hemingway Collaborative Grant, 2017
  • Weber State University Hemingway New Faculty Research Grant, 2015
  • Department of Management and Organizations Outstanding Teaching by a Graduate Student, 2013
  • Eller College of Management’s Center for Leadership Ethics small research grant award, 2013 & 2014
  • Stephen P. Robbins Doctoral Fellowship, 2010-2011 and 2011-2012 Academic Years 
  • Central Washington University College of Business Advisory Board Award for Faculty Excellence in Advising, 2009
  • Alpha Kappa Psi Distinguished Service Award, Silver, 2007 - 2009


Working on my custom mid-century modern home; college football; motorcycle riding; watching movies; knitting; coloring





  1. Anderson, J.S., Read, D.W., Lee, K.S., & Linford, J. (2020).  Insights from snowboard pedagogy for the legal studies instructor. DePaul Journal of Sports Law, 16(1), p. 10.
  2. Read, D.W., Lee, K.S., & Anderson, J.S., & Pehrson, C.S. (2019).  Revisiting the Corporation of the Presiding Bishop v. Amos after thirty years: Exploring the limits of religious freedom, church employment, and the Civil Rights Act. The Boston University Public Interest Law Journal, 28(2), pp. 247-294.
  3. Cardella, E.E., Kugler, T., Anderson, J.S., & Connolly, T.  (2019).  Is greed contagious?  Four experimental studies. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 32(5), pp. 579-598.
  4. Anderson, J.S., Hansen, S.D., Johnson, J., & Mouritsen, M.  (2019). Developing trustworthy business leaders: Modeling and creating justice-driven trust in MBA organizational behavior courses. Business Education Innovation Journal, 11(1), pp. 21-30.
  5. Evans, J.M., Anderson, J.S., & Gilliland, S.W. (2018).  Misleading by example:  The effects of  a manager’s unfair customer treatment on service employee performance and trust. Social Justice Research, 31(3), pp. 260-289.
  6. Gilliland, S.W. & Anderson, J.S. (2015). Justice, relative deprivation, and blame: Disentangling constructs to understand cognitive and emotional reactions to greed. In S.W. Gilliland, D.D. Steiner, & D.P. Skarlicki (Eds.), The social dynamics of organizational justice. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
  7. Anderson, J.S. (2014). Selfish, excessive, greedy: The psychological causes and consequences of perceptions of greed. The University of Arizona: Tucson, AZ.
  8. Evans, J.M., Anderson, J.S., & Gilliland, S.W. (2013, August). The Motive Expression-Attribution Model of Pro-Customer Rule Breaking. Best Papers Proceedings of the annual meeting of the Academy of Management. Lake Buena Vista, FL: Academy of Management.
  9. Gilliland, S.W. & Anderson, J.S. (2013). On the psychology of greed. In J.K. Ford, J. Hollenbeck, & A.M. Ryan (Eds.), The Psychology of Work (pp. 99-116). American Psychological Association.
  10. Gilliland, S.W. & Anderson, J.S. (2011). Perceptions of greed: A distributive injustice model. In S.W. Gilliland, D.D. Steiner, & D.P. Skarlicki (Eds.), Emerging perspectives on organizational justice and ethics (pp. 137-166). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.


  1. Thompson, B., Stevens, M.J., Fox-Kirk, W., Anderson, J.S., & Read, D.W.  (2020, March) Beyond exchange:  Toward relational flourishing.  Manuscript accepted for the 2020 Western Academy of Management Conference, Waikoloa, HI.
  2. Stevens, M.J., Thompson, B., Anderson, J.S., Hansen, S.D., Fox-Kirk, W., & Read, D.W. (2020, March)  The Gospel of Milton Friedman and the death of the invisible hand:  Why we need to subvert the modern operationalization of Adam Smith’s Works.  Panel session for the 2020 Western Academy of Management Conference, Waikoloa, HI.
  3. Anderson, J.S. (2019, June). We the people: The social dilemma that is American society.  Presented in full session at the annual International Conference on Social Dilemmas, Sedona, AZ.  
  4. Anderson, J.S. (2019, March). When rules are broken: A motive intentionality model of pro-customer rule breaking during service encounters.  Presented at the John B. Goddard School of Business and Economics.
  5. Evans, J.M., Anderson, J.S., & Gilliland, S.W. (2018, August).  Pivoting toward the customer: Identification with the customer as a moderator of service employee reactions to unfair customer treatment.  Paper presentation in full session conducted at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Chicago, IL.
  6. Anderson, J.S. (2017, March). Chair & Discussant: OB/HRM: Engagement and Participation at work. Paper presentation session conducted at the annual meeting of the Western Academy of Management, Palm Springs, CA.
  7. Anderson, J.S. (2015, August). Discussant: Anti-social behaviors: Lying, Gossip, and Incivility. Paper presentation session conducted at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Vancouver, BC.
  8. Slaughter, J. & Anderson, J.S. (2015, April). Explaining current measures of deviance to include passive counterproductive work behaviors. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Industrial Organizational Psychology, Philadelphia, PA.
  9. Evans, J.M., Anderson, J.S., & Gilliland, S.W. (2014, May). Misleading by example: The effects of a manager’s unfair customer treatment on service employee performance and trust. In J. A. Colquitt (Chair), Expanding the Boundaries of the Justice Literature. Symposium conducted at the annual meeting of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Honolulu, HI.
  10. Anderson, J.S. (2013, August). The role of social identity in pro-customer rule breaking. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Lake Buena Vista, FL. 
  11. Anderson, J.S. (2013, August). Chair: Broadening antecedents and revealing processes that lead to counterproductive work behaviors. Symposium conducted at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Lake Buena Vista, FL.
  12. Slaughter, J. & Anderson, J.S. (2013, August). The role of personality facets in predicting counterproductive work behaviors. In J. S. Anderson (Chair), Broadening antecedents and revealing processes that lead to counterproductive work behaviors. Symposium conducted at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Lake Buena Vista, FL.
  13. Gilliland, S.W. & Anderson, J.S. (2012, August). Social construction of greed: The role of relative deprivation in perceived greed. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston, MA.
  14. Anderson, J.S. & Gilliland, S.W. (2012, August). Unfair and greedy: Distributive injustice antecedents of perceptions of greed. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston, MA.
  15. Birk, S., Anderson, J.S., Gilliand, S.W., & Christian, M. (2012, August). A meta-analytic examination of models linking justice, trust, and job performance. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston, MA.
  16. Gilliland, S.W. & Anderson, J.S. (2012, June). Justice, relative deprivation, and blame: Disentangling constructs to understand cognitive and emotional reactions to greed. Paper presented at the Theoretical and Cultural Perspectives on Organizational Justice conference, Nice, France.
  17. Anderson, J.S., & Gilliland, S.W. (2011, August). Organizational justice, tip compensation and pro-customer rule breaking behavior. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management, San Antonio, TX.
  18. Evans, J.M., Anderson, J.S., & Gilliland, S.W. (2010, August). The instrumentality and motivational complexity of pro-customer rule breaking. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Montreal, Canada.