"Let's Make This Perfectly Clear"

The residents that call this beautiful landscape "home" consider themselves lucky to be surrounded by five national parks, the greatest snow on earth, months of outdoor recreation, and all forms of entertainment. Sadly, these things are becoming harder to see from the valley of Smog Lake City.

This month HealthTrip travelers are challenged to finds ways to reduce their emissions each day.

Register by February 1 to be added to our weekly email list. These short emails will be sent to you on Mondays and will include a message to keep you motivated week after week. 

Learn more about this topic by viewing this Lunch and Learn presentation.

1- Register by February 1


2- Download your tracking sheet. 

You must download and then save your tracking sheet before adding any information. 

3- Download your tip sheet.

4- Return your tracking sheet by March 5

You may complete this challenge any time during the 2020 calendar year. Tracking sheets returned to Employee Wellness after the due date will not be entered into the monthly or Grand Prize raffle,  but may be used towards the Wellness Pays Rewards Program. You can not complete challenges before the challenge start date.  

Did you know.....

  • Challenges count as Wellness Pays Rewards activities! Complete three monthly challenges and earn $20.