Upcoming College of Social & Behavioral Sciences Classes
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Fall 2024
Anthropology and Archaeology
Lower Division:
ANTH 1000: SS/EDI Introduction to Anthropology
ANTH 1020: LS/DV SUS Biological Anthropology
ANTH 1040: HU/EDI Language and Culture
ANTH 2010: SS/EDI Peoples & Cultures World
ANTH 2030: SS/EDI Principles of Archaeology
ANTH 2990: Historical Archaeology
ANTH 2990: Anthropology of Religion
Upper Division:
ANTH 3200: Archaeology Early Civilization
ANTH 3400: CRE Archaeological Lab Technician
ANTH 3600: Culture Area Studies
ANTH 4300: CRE Anthropological Research Methods
ANTH 4830: INT Reading and/or Projects
ANTH 4890: INT Interships in Anthropology
ANTH 4990: Historical Archaeology
ANTH 4990: Anthropology of Religion
Criminal Justice and Crime Scene Investigation
Lower Divison:
CJ 1010: SS Intro to Criminal Justice
CJ 1300: Corrections: History, Theory and Practicum
CJ 1330: Criminal Law and Courts
CJ 1340: Criminal Investigation
CJ 1350: Introduction to Forensic Science
CJ 2300: Policing: History, Theory, and Practice
CJ 2330: Juvenile Justice
CJ 2340: Crime Scene Investigation
CJ 2350: Laws of Evidence
CJ 2400: Criminal Court Process
CJ 2861: INT Victim Advocacy Capstone
CJ 2862: INT Juvenile Justice Capstone
Upper Division:
CJ 3120: Professional Practice for the Forensic Expert
CJ 3270: Theories - Crime & Delinquency
CJ 3300: Victimology
CJ 3344: Advanced Forensic Photography
CJ 3360: Prisons - Contemporary Isssues & Dilemmas
CJ 3400: Drugs & Crime
CJ 3610: Research Methods in Criminal Justice
CJ 3800: White Collar Crime
CJ 3900: Intelligence & National Security
CJ 4110: Physical Methods in Forensic Science
CJ 4116: Friction Ridge Development
CJ 4165: Constitutional Rights
CJ 4200: Ethical Issues in Criminal Justice
CJ 4700: International Criminal Justice
CJ 4710: Race, Crime, and Justice
CJ 4810: Communication in the Criminal Justice Field
CJ 4860: INT Criminal Justice Internship
CJ 4900: Serial Killers
CJ 4995: Criminal Justice Senior Assessment
Geography, Environment & Sustainability
Lower Divison:
GEOG 1000: PS/SUS Planet Earth: Air, Water, Land and Life
GEOG 1300: SUS/EDI/SS Global Issues: Places, People and the Planet
GEOG 1500: PS SUS Climate Change: Science, Society and Solutions
GEOG 2400: SUS Cartography & Map Design
GEOG 2790: Pathways and Careers in Geography
Upper Division:
GEOG 3050: SUS Weather & Climate
GEOG 3640: Geography of Asia
GEOG 3780: National Park Geography
GEOG 3780: Geographic Area Studies
GEOG 4400: SUS Cartography & Map Design
GEOG 4410: SUS Sustainable Land Use Planning
GEOG 4800: Individual Research
GEOG 4890: INT Cooperative Work Experience
GEOG 4950: Advanced Field Study - Capitol Reef
GEOG 4990: CRE Senior Seminar in Geography
Lower Division:
GERT 1010: SS Introduction to Gerontology
Upper Division:
GERT 3000: Death and Dying
GERT 3120: Aging: Adaptation & Behavior
GERT 3320: Ethnicity & Older Women
GERT 3500: Social Welfare & Gerontological Policy Development and Service
GERT 3600: Social Statistics
GERT 4220: Society Responses to Aging
GERT 4830: Reading and/or Projects
GERT 4860: Introductory Field Practicum
GERT 4861: Advanced Field Practicum
Lower Division:
HIST 1000: Introduction to the Craft of History
HIST 1500: SS/EDI GLB World History to 1500 C.E.
HIST 1510: SS/EDI GLB World History from 1500 C.E. to the Present
HIST 1600: AI/EDI The Black Experience
HIST 1700: AI American History
HIST 2700: AI History of the United States to 1877
HIST 2710: AI History of the United States Since 1877
HIST 2920: Workshop
Upper Division:
HIST 3070: Women in American History: 1600 - Present
HIST 3130: U.S. Urban History
HIST 3210: U.S. Constitutional History
HIST 3280: GLB American Military History 1500 - 1890
HIST 3350: History/Philosophy of Science
HIST 3400: Principles of Public History
HIST 4010: Early North America to 1763
HIST 4040: Civil War and Reconstruction
HIST 4130: History of Utah
HIST 4240: Europe 1600 - 1815: Absol/Enlig
HIST 4260: Europe in the Age of Total War
HIST 4310: Tsarist Russia
HIST 4330: Medieval England
HIST 4350: Germany and the Third Reich
HIST 4490: Exploring the Practices and Methods of History Teaching
HIST 4500: Teaching Social Studies in Grades 5 - 12
HIST 4530: Far Eastern History
HIST 4730: Afro Latin America
HIST 4830: Directed Readings
HIST 4860: INT Internship in Historical Study
HIST 4985: Historical Research & Methods
HIST 4990: Senior Seminar
Military Science
Lower Division:
MILS 1010: Introduction to Army & Critical Thinking
MILS 1110: Basic Rifle Marksmanship
MILS 2010: Innovative Team Leadership
MILS 2400: Physical Readiness
MILS 2600: Leadership Under Fire
MILS 2830: Directed Reading & Projects
Upper Division:
MILS 3000: Leadership in Military History
MILS 3010: Adaptive Team Leadership
MILS 4010: Mission Command & the Army Profession I
MILS 4400: Advanced Physical Readiness
MILS 4830: Directed Readings & Projects
Lower Division:
PHIL 1000: HU/EDI Introduction to Philosophy
PHIL 1120: HU Contemporary Moral Problems
PHIL 1250: HU Critical Thinking
PHIL 2200: Deductive Logic
PHIL 2920: The Stoic Life
Upper Division:
PHIL 3550: Medical Ethics
PHIL 3650: Aesthetics
PHIL 3700: Environmental Philosophy
PHIL 4520: Epistemology
PHIL 4830: Directed Readings
Political Science
Lower Division:
POLS 1010: Politics, Power, and the State
POLS 1100: AI American National Government
POLS 1520: SS Leadership & Political Life
POLS 2100: SS GLB SUS International Politics
POLS 2300: SS Introduction to Political Theory
POLS 2400: SS Introduction to Law and Courts
POLS 2500: SS/EDI GLB Human Rights World
POLS 2700: Introduction to Public Administration
Upper Division:
POLS 3070: Moot Court
POLS 3200: GLB Middle East & North Africa
POLS 3610: Campaigns and Elections
POLS 3760: State Government and Politics
POLS 4020: Constitutional Law: Powers
POLS 4100: Free Speech
POLS 4180: GLB International Law & Org
POLS 4210: GLB Violence & Contestation
POLS 4380: Modern Political Thought
POLS 4800: Individual Projects and Research
POLS 4830: Directed Readings
POLS 4860: INT Internships
POLS 4861: INT International Internships
POLS 4870: INT Internship in Perspective
POLS 4880: INT Intership Research
POLS 4990: Senior Seminar/Senior Thesis
Psychological Science
Lower Division:
PSY 1010: SS Introductory Psychology
PSY 2000: SS/EDI Psych Human Relationships
PSY 2010: Science and Profession of Psychology
PSY 2250: Learning and Memory
PSY 2370: Psychology of Women and Gender
PSY 2400: Positive Psychology
PSY 2710: Biopsychology
PSY 2800: INT CRE Projects & Research
PSY 2830: CRE Directed Readings
PSY 2860: Practicum
PSY 2890: INT Cooperative Work Experience
Upper Division:
PSY 3000: SUS Child Psychology
PSY 3010: Psychopathology
PSY 3020: CEL Child & Adolescent Psychopathology
PSY 3100: Psychology of Diversity
PSY 3140: Adolescent Psychology
PSY 3240: Psychology of Drug Use and Abuse
PSY 3255: Conditioning, Learning and Behavior Modification
PSY 3270: Motivation and Emotion
PSY 3430: Theories of Personality
PSY 3450: Psychology of Language
PSY 3460: Social Psychology
PSY 3500: Cognition
PSY 3600: Statistics in Psychology
PSY 3605: Psychology Statistics Lab
PSY 3610: CRE Research Methods in Psychology
PSY 3615: Psychology Statistics & Methods I
PSY 3730: Perception
PSY 3850: Forensic Psychology
PSY 4050: Evolutionary Psychology
PSY 4090: History and Systems of Psychology
PSY 4140: Theories of Development
PSY 4310: Introduction to Counseling Theories
PSY 4950: Capstone Experience: Promoting Psychological Literacy
Queer Studies
Social & Behavioral Sciences
Lower Division:
SBS 1550: HU/EDI Introduction to World Religion
Social Work
Lower Division:
SW 1010: CEL SS Introduction to Generalist Social Work
SW 2100: SS Human Behavior & the Social Environment I
SW 2200: SS/EDI Issues in Diversity
Upper Division:
SW 3000: Death and Dying
SW 3100: Human Behavior & the Social Environment
SW 3120: Aging, Adaptation and Behavior
SW 3200: Child and Family Welfare
SW 3320: Ethnicity & Older Women
SW 3500: Social Welfare & Gerontological Policy Development and Service
SW 3600: Social Statistics
SW 3700: Social Work Research
SW 3900: Social Work Methods, Values and Ethics
SW 3910: Social Work Practice I
SW 3920: Social Work Practice II
SW 3930: CEL Social Work Practice III
SW 4150: DSM-5
SW 4220: Societal Response to Aging
SW 4265: Crisis Intervention and Trauma
SW 4500: Interventions for Populations at Risk
SW 4800: Projects & Research
SW 4830: Directed Readings
SW 4860: INT Social Service Field Experience I
SW 4861: INT Social Service Field Experience II
SW 4990: Social Work Senior Seminar
Lower Division:
SOC 1010: SS/EDI Introduction to Sociology
SOC 1020: SS/EDI Contemporary Social Issues
SOC 2400: SS/EDI Introduction to Ethnic Studies
Upper Division:
SOC 3270: Criminology
SOC 3420: Sociology of Education
SOC 3500: Sociological Theories
SOC 3600: Social Statistics
SOC 3660: Sociological Research
SOC 3840: Cities and Urban Life
SOC 4030: Contemporary Sociological Theory
SOC 4050: Sociology of Work & Organizations
SOC 4830: INT Readings and/or Projects
SOC 4890: INT Internship
SOC 4900: CRE Senior Capstone Course
SOC 4930: INT Community Engaged Capstone
Women & Gender Studies
Master of Social Work
MSW 6010: Foundations of Social Work
MSW 6100: HBSE - Human Behavior, Social Systems & Environment
MSW 6200: Human and Social Diversity and Oppression
MSW 6235: Loss Across the Lifespan
MSW 6275: Harm Reduction in Practice
MSW 6285: Dialectical Behavior Therapy
MSW 6300: Ethics, Ethical Practice, and Ethical Decision-Making
MSW 6400: Macro Aspects of Social Work Practice
MSW 6600: Research-Informed Practice
MSW 6760: Foundation Field I
MSW 6810: Motivational Interviewing
MSW 6810: Therapeutic Relationships
MSW 6860: Advanced Field I
MSW 6930: Evidence-Based Practice
Master of Criminal Justice
Course Designations
AI: American Institutions
CEL: Community Engaged Learning
CRE: Undergraduate Research
EDI: Equity, Diversity & Inclusion
GLB: Global Learning Experiences
HU: Humanities
INT: Internship
LS: Life Science
PS: Physical Science
SS: Social Science
SUS: Sustainability