W2 Information

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do I get my Form W-2?

Current Employees of Weber State University may elect to receive the W-2 Wage and Tax Statement electronically. Employees will be able to access the W-2 a couple of days earlier, because they will not have to wait for it be delivered in the mail. To sign up for electronic W-2 and tax information, please visit the W-2 electronic signup page.

Former Employees – Your W-2 will be mailed to the home address on file by January 31st.

2. I either didn't receive or lost my W-2 Form, what do I do?

If you are a current employee, and didn’t receive your W-2 by March 1, please contact our office. If you are a former employee, please allow two weeks to receive the W-2 via the U.S. Postal Service.

3. My address on the W-2 is incorrect, what should I do?

A corrected W-2 is not required for a change in address. If you are a current employee and need to change your address, please visit the e-weber portal. If you are a former employee, and no longer have access to the employee portal, please contact our office at 801-626-6031.

4. My wages on my W-2 do not match my final check stub of the year. What is the problem?

The W-2 reflects taxable earnings while the check stubs reflect total earnings. To convert from total earnings to taxable earnings, you need to subtract the pretax deductions, including parking decals, FSA contributions (medical and dental premiums, flexible spending account contributions, and dependent care contribution) and retirement deductions (401k, 403(b), 457). These deductions are itemized in boxes 12, 13, and 14 of the W-2.

5. What if I didn’t have any federal or state taxes withheld according to my W-2?

You would not have had any federal and state withholding taxes if you claimed an exemption from federal / state withholding on your W-4 form for the year (Employee’s Withholding Allowance Certificate). Check out your tax status through the payroll services channel, W-4 withholding notice. Additionally, if your earnings are under a certain threshold, you may not have been subject to federal and state withholding. Please note that you can change your Employee Withholding Allowance Certificate W-4 at any time.

6. What is FSA on my W-2?

FSA stands for Flexible Spending Account and includes such items as Medical and Dental deductions.

7. What do these abbreviations mean on my W-2?

W-2 Abbreviations


W-2 Legend

W2 Box Information & Legend

More Information About W-2.
Electronic W2 (PDF)


W-2 Information and Instructions (PDF)