Information for Implementation - ePortfolio
Students learn how to utilize a Career ePortfolio to showcase samples of their work.
Steps for Activity Implementation for Programs and Courses
1. Students and Administrators watch the videos and review the provided resources. This can be done individually or in small groups.
2. Students apply the information to their own Career ePortfolio, by uploading quality samples of their work.
3. Students use the rubrics to self-assess their Career ePortfolio and its artifacts and make edits as needed, then turn their Career ePortfolio in to their Administrator for review.
4. Administrators use the rubrics to review the student’s Career ePortfolio and artifacts, and write down both positive and constructive feedback. Administrators meet individually with students to review the feedback and help the student create a high-quality Career ePortfolio. Repeat this process as needed.
5. When completed, students check off the item on their personal CDEV Map. When all of the components on the CDEV Map are complete, students submit a link to their Career ePortfolio through the Impact in GivePulse for their Administrator to verify.
Optional Activity
1. After reviewing the Career ePortfolio information and creating a draft, students meet together to provide feedback to each other. If their current roles are similar, students can work together to develop strong work samples to include.
Steps for Activity Implementation for Individuals
1. Students watch the video and review the provided resources.
2. Students apply the information to their own Career ePortfolio.
3. Students use the rubrics to self-assess their Career ePortfolio and artifacts and make edits as needed, then bring their Career ePortfolios to Career Station in Career Services, a Career Counselor, or another Career Professional for review.
4. A Career Professional uses the rubrics to review the student’s Career ePortfolio and artifacts and write down both positive and constructive feedback. Students review and implement the feedback to create a high-quality Career ePortfolio. Repeat this process as needed.
5. When completed, students check off the item on their personal CDEV Map. When all of the components on the CDEV Map are complete, students submit a link to their Career ePortfolio through the Impact in GivePulse for their Administrator to verify.