Configure Java Path
- Go to 'C:\Program Files\Java' OR
- Go to 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Java If there is not a folder called jdk with some numbers you need to install the jdk.
Go to (Or just type 'JDK download' into google and go to the first link)
Click the download JDK button and follow the prompts.
- From the java folder go to jdk\bin and there should be a java.exe file. Right-click "java.exe" and go to properties
You can also click in the address bar and copy the path from there.
- Copy the location, it should look something like this... 'C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_23\bin' Right-click on "My Computer" and go to properties. In Windows 7 and Windows Vista click "Advanced system settings" on the left. Go to the Advanced tab. At the bottom click "Environment Variables". In the "System variables" window scroll down and find "Path" and edit it. DO NOT REMOVE ANYTHING FROM "Variable value"! At the beginning of the "Variable value" input box ADD the path you copied in step 5 AND then a semicolon. If you accidentally delete what's in the path hit cancel and return to step 10. OK all the way out to the desktop. Open a command prompt by going to "Start" "Run" and typing 'cmd'. Type in 'java -version' and if it prints out 'java' followed by the version number it worked.
If it says "'java' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file." you have a problem, come see a lab aide or your teacher.