Bridgerland Technical College

Complete the following certificate courses at Bridgerland:



AUTO 1063 Steering & Suspension 135
AUTO 1073 Brakes 135
AUTO 1053 Engine Repair 150
Total 420

Completing all the courses listed above will give you transfer credit for the following courses at Weber State University:



AUSV 1021 Automtoive Braking Systems 1 2
AUSV 1023 Automtoive Braking Systems 2 2
AUSV 1022 Steering & Supsension 1 2
AUSV 1025 Steering & Supsension 2 2
AUSV 1120 Automotive Engines 1 2
AUSV 1124 Automotive Engines 2 2
Total 12

**NOTE: To receive credit for WSU courses, student must complete their certificate with Bridgerland. Partial credits will not transfer.