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Elevate Your Current Skills

Electrical Fundamentals
1& 2

Electrical Fundamentals is Online & In-Person

Accessible, Affordable Education for Industry Professionals

It's time you step-up your career game. Electrical Fundamentals 1 & 2 will cover the foundations of electrical theory through online courses and in-person labs to help you advance in your field. Lay the groundwork for electrical diagnostics online in Part 1 before applying what you learned in an in-person lab for Part 2. Learn the basics of troubleshooting and diagnostics, prepare for repair and increase your chances of a promotion or raise.

Program Details

Move Higher
Advance your career by learning real-world skills in a streamlined course. 

Prepare Yourself
Learn industry-standard diagnostic techniques that employers value and prepare for ASE certifications.

Scott Hadzik portrait

Scott Hadzik
Professor, Automotive Technology
Email: scotthadzik@weber.edu