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Student Sustainability Research Awards


Students, apply for an award for your sustainability research!

Each year students have the opportunity to receive one of two $500 cash awards for outstanding sustainability-focused research. The two winners will be selected by a subcommittee of the WSU Faculty Senate Environmental Initiatives Committee.

Eligible submissions include any research project involving some primary research completed during the 2023 calendar year or in Spring semester 2024 in the area of sustainability. Students who completed projects in conjunction with faculty research may apply but the role and work of the student(s) must be clearly explained. Students who graduate in December 2023 are eligible to apply.

Sustainability research is research and scholarship that explicitly addresses the concept of sustainability, furthers our understanding of the interdependence of ecological and social/economic systems, or has a primary and explicit focus on a major sustainability challenge (such as those identified in the UN Sustainable Development Goals).

Submissions will be judged on the following:

  • The link to sustainability, expansively defined;
  • the generation of new content or knowledge for sustainability;
  • the research approach, including creativity/originality; and
  • the impact (practical or scholarly).

The awards are presented by the WSU Alumni Association and the Sustainability Practices and Research Center (SPARC) to recognize exceptional, completed Student Sustainability Research Projects.

For consideration, the form below must be completed, with all supporting documents attached, including a brief letter from the faculty advisor/mentor/co-researcher, by April 1, 2024.

In order to be eligible for the Sustainability Research Award, all student submissions must provide the name and contact information of the faculty advisor/mentor for the project and include a brief (one-page) letter from the faculty advisor/mentor of support which explains:

a) the nature, significance, and originality of the student's research;
b) the anticipated timeline for completion of the research (if not complete at the time of submission); and,
c) the extent of the student's work/contribution (if joint research or a collaborative project).   

Have this letter to upload when you complete the award application form.

If you have questions, please email the review committee chair, Dr. Shellee Dyer,, who serves on the Environmental Initiatives Committee.


Please be sure to include all information requested on the submission form and any supporting documentation  — missing information may result in the disqualification of a submission.  

Fill Out Form See Current and Past Winners