January 2023
Clear The Air Challenge
Weber State University is gearing up for the 2023 Clear the Air Challenge! The Clear the Air Challenge is a month-long competition created by the Salt Lake Chamber, UCAIR, and TravelWise Tracker to encourage Utahns to reduce their vehicle emissions, save money in fuel costs, and ultimately help improve Utah's air quality.
Here at Weber, our university’s colleges, divisions and students can compete for weekly prizes and earn Employee Wellness and Green Team Points! Whoever is able to reduce the most CO2 emissions by using alternative methods of transportation will be granted the most points. The winning division will house the Clear the Air Champion Plaque for the year, and the winning college will house the Clear the Air College Champion Trophy!
For more information visit the Clear the Air Challenge page.
WSU's Free Swap
Join us for Weber State's Annual Free Swap on January 25th and 26th! Bring gently used items you would like to donate to Shepherd Union Ballroom A from 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, January 25th. Bring a reusable bag on Thursday, January 26th from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and take home some great free items. Last year the Free Swap was able to prevent 541 pounds of merchandise from being sent to a landfill! Join us this year to see what unique items you’re able to find.
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The Sustainable Clubs had a great Fall 2022 semester! Each of the three sustainable clubs hosted many successful events. The Environmental Ambassadors exchanged 92 energy-efficient LED lightbulbs, the Food Recovery Network helped pack, weigh, and transport nearly 5,600 lbs of food and supplies to the Lantern House, and the Community Garden Club hosted the Food Sustainability Panel, a xeriscape planting, and sustainable solar oven demonstration!
The Sustainable Clubs have planned many exciting, fun, and educational opportunities for students, faculty, staff, and community members. Get involved in this spring semester! If you are interested in environmental issues/studies, sustainability, or just want to meet new or like-minded individuals, come join us!
The Sustainable Clubs provide a safe, uplifting environment for everyone to engage in sustainable practices on- and off-campus. If you want to get involved in sustainability, please fill out this form or email: korynnmartinez@weber.edu for more info.
14th Annual Intermountain Sustainability Summit
The Intermountain Sustainability Summit (ISS) brings sustainability professionals, educators emerging leaders, and college students from across Utah and surrounding states to Weber State for 2 days of learning and networking. The 14th annual ISS will be held in the Shepherd Union on Thursday and Friday, March 23 - 24, 2023.
Thursday, March 23 brings together a full day of diverse programing including keynote speakers, informational and networking sessions, the Eco Expo, Student Poster Contest and more. Day two, Friday, March 24, includes in-depth workshops.
ISS Student Poster Contest
The ISS highlights student action and research at the Eco Expo. Students may for the Student Poster Contest now through Thursday, Feb 23, Students whose posters are accepted will receive free ISS registration, and the opportunity to win prizes.
ISS Sustainability Collaboration Award
For the first time, the ISS community is presenting Sustainability Collaboration Awards for sustainability professionals implementing partnerships to amplify their influence and impact. Nominations for impactful collaborations can be submitted through Tuesday, January 31, and winners will be awarded at the ISS event.
Registration for professionals, community members and emerging leaders can be found on the ISS website. WSU students, faculty and staff may register here. Additionally, scholarships are available for emerging sustainability leaders on the registration page.
ISS Calling BIPOC Artists for Sustainable Art Submissions
The Intermountain Sustainability Summit (ISS) planners are seeking submissions of sustainability related artwork created by WSU's Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC) communities. To truly be sustainable, efforts towards development should be inclusive; harmonizing economic stability, social inclusion and environmental protection. The BIPOC Art Display at the ISS has the intention to give WSU BIPOC student and faculty/staff artists to take space, express, and celebrate narratives within sustainability.
Any two-dimensional art narratives are welcomed, such as illustrations, graphic design, poetry, etc. Art Submissions are due Friday, February 17*. Art will be displayed on Thursday, March 23 at the ISS. To learn more about submission requirements please visit the BIPOC Art Display submission page.
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Have you completed, or will soon complete, a sustainability research project? Apply to have your work recognized through a 2023 Sustainability Research Award, provided by the Sustainability Practices and Research Center (SPARC).
Awards will be granted to both faculty and students. Faculty will be eligible for two $1,000 awards in one or both of the following categories; traditional scholarship (i.e., conference or journal-targeted academic research/writing) and applied scholarship (i.e., tangibly benefiting community, campus, students, etc.). Two $500 awards are available for WSU students who have completed sustainability research during the 2022 calendar year or in the 2023 Spring semester.
Deadline to apply is Wednesday March 29th and award recipients will be recognized at an event in April. For more information and to apply visit the Student Research Award page or the Faculty Research Award page.
Zero Waste Progress Report
Weber State is making progress toward our goal of keeping 50% of our waste out of landfills by 2025! WSU diverted 38% of our waste in 2022, which is right on track to meeting our goal. Substantial increases in glass, metal, and green waste diversion have heavily contributed this year. Property Control has increased their reuse of campus items by offering them for free for university purposes or at a steep discount to the public. Food waste diversion has more than doubled compared to previous years! Plastic waste has been reduced thanks to the Zero Waste Athletics program, which recovered over 3,000 plastic bottles! We are hoping to continue this progress and are proud of the efforts that have been made across campus.
January Green Badge
Participate in the Green Badge Program and start earning your badges today! January’s Badge is “Zero Waste & Sustainable Purchasing.” Learn how to incorporate the "Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle” principle into your daily life.
Green Team Updates
Congratulations to the Developmental Math department on their move to Green, as well as Exercise and Nutritional Sciences on their move to Gold! Keep up the good work!
Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Monday, January 16
Campus Closed
Winter Trails Series – Snowshoe Sardine Loop
Saturday, January 21
Sardine Loop Trailhead
Zero Waste Basketball Game
6:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Saturday, January 21
Register to Volunteer
Annual Free Swap
Wednesday, January 25 – Thursday, January 26
8:30 am – 4:30 pm
SU Ballroom A
Register to Volunteer
Future of Great Salt Lake Survey
Open through Tuesday, January 31
Take the Survey
Sustainability Leadership Scholarship Deadline
Wednesday, February 1
Learn More
Clear The Air Challenge – Ogden Bicycle Collective
1:00 pm – 2:20 pm
Thursday, February 9
RSVP by sending an email to korynnmartinez@weber.edu
ISS BIPOC Art Submissions
Friday, February 10
Student Poster Contest Deadline
Tuesday, February 23
Learn More
Social Media and Electric Vehicles Research Survey
Wednesday, March 1
Take the Survey
In the News
Checklist: How to take advantage of brand-new clean energy tax credits
Utah DEQ denies US Magnesium’s request to extend water canals deeper into the Great Salt Lake
How Biden's infrastructure law benefits Utah, Western states