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Pre-Medicine Program D.O. Emphasis

Begin your journey by attending the mandatory and informative
 Pre-Medical Professions Information Session


Acceptance above the national average.

The national average of applicant's acceptance into medical college is close to 50%. Weber State University has always been higher. As students follow the advisement and recommendation of the program they find that they are aware of their own personal risks when applying.

Extracurricular opportunities.

Extracurricular activities are often the component of an application that makes one more competitive. Getting involved provides students the opportunity to connect with others on campus and in the community. This connection will enhance your effectiveness and compassion as a physician.

Scholarships & Financial Aid.

The University, College of Science, and other colleges on Weber's campus provide a variety of scholarships on a competitive basis for qualifying students. Premedical Professional students who are not majoring in the College of Science should contact their major's college &/or department for other opportunities.

Undergraduate Assistance
D.O. School Application Assistance
D.O. School Assistance

Rigorous preparatory course work.

WSU's course work prepares first & second-year medical students even for top-ranked medical schools such as Yale, The University of Michigan and Baylor.

When you complete the rigorous study of the pre-medicine program you'll learn the principles of study as well as the necessary study habits to be ready for medical school

Attentive Advising.

Begin your journey by attending the mandatory and informative Pre-Medical Professions Information Session.


Let's Connect!



Office hours

Monday - Friday
8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Mailing address

Weber State University
College of Science
1415 Edvalson St., Dept. 2501
Ogden, UT 84408-2505

Building location

Tracy Hall Science Center (TY)

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