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All students must contact their advisor within the first three weeks of the semester.

Important Information for Students


Each student is assigned a nursing advisor during the first week of the semester. Generally, continuing students will have the same advisor from previous semesters; however, advisors are subject to change depending on faculty availability. Advisors are not available until the first week of the semester. If you require assistance before the start of school, contact Kaitlyn Kirk or Robert Holt.

All students must contact their advisor within the first three weeks of the semester. Failure to do so may cause issues with graduation requirements. If you require additional credits, please see the Upper Division Course Recommendations.

Advising assignments are found in the Orientation Canvas Course for new students. Please review this each semester as assignments may change. Advising assignments will be emailed out to continuing students not enrolled in the Orientation Canvas Course.


Check your degree evaluation in CatTracks, and make sure your major is updated to reflect BSN and ADN Nursing. If your major is not listed as Nursing, email to update your major.

For Financial Aid requirements, all students will be declared with a priority one major of BS in Nursing and a priority two major of AS in Nursing. While in CatTracks, you go up to where it shows the degree, and you will see an arrow down. Click on that arrow and select AS. You will then be able to see your degree requirements. Make sure you are viewing your requirements for the AS in Nursing.

Transfer Students

Submit any unofficial transcripts to the Annie Taylor Dee School of Nursing if you have taken courses at a university other than Weber. Follow up with the official transcripts submitted to WSU Admissions. Official Transcripts can be sent to Admissions at through Clearing House or emailed from the appropriate university admissions office.

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