Forms & Resources

Alternative Work Arrangement Form

  • To access, the alternative work arrangement form, individuals will need to be logged into the Weber State network either by being on-campus or by logging in through the VPN.
  • The employee, supervisor, and next-level supervisor can all modify the proposed work hours.
  • All individuals will be emailed a copy of the form upon completion.
  • All faculty and staff who work remotely, out-of-state, will need to complete the alternative work arrangement form, safety checklist, and will need to be set up as an out-of-state employee.
  • Alternative Work Arrangement Form (pdf) -- this document is viewable only. The above link should be clicked on to complete the agreement. You will need to utilize the VPN to access the form.

Remote Work Safety Checklist (pdf) --this document is viewable only. The above link should be clicked on to complete the agreement. You will need to utilize the VPN to access the form.

  • All individuals with an alternative work arrangement that includes remote work should complete the remote work safety checklist. This should be kept on file within the department.


WSU Remote Work Training for Supervisors

WSU Remote Work Training for Employees  

Leading Successful Remote Teams

Tips for Being a Remote Employee

Managing Flexible Work Arrangement Tips

Cyber-Security: Best Practices for At Home Employees

Maximizing Performance by Challenging and Engaging Employees