HIEEs for Faculty & Staff

High Impact Educational Experiences (HIEEs) are active learning strategies that lead to student success. HIEEs help you help your students succeed in college and beyond.

Research on student success shows that HIEEs help students:

  • Learn, retain and apply knowledge;
  • Feel more engaged with peers, faculty and staff at the university; and
  • Complete their desired degree in a shorter period of time; and 
  • Develop transferable skills [NACE competencies] that support both academic and employment success. 

Additionally, HIEEs help faculty and/or staff:

  • Feel reinvigorated through teaching and even improve feedback on course/program evaluations;
  • Demonstrate your record of innovative teaching for promotion, tenure, merit pay, annual reports, post-tenure review, PREP, etc.;
  • Expand your research agendas to include the scholarship of teaching and learning (SOTL); and
  • Be recognized for excellence in teaching and mentoring through awards, such as:
    • John A. Lindquist Award for community engaged learning
    • Undergraduate Research Mentor Awards
    • Sustainability Mentor Awards
    • Presidential Teaching Excellence Awards (faculty)


Students constantly inspire me with the insights they come away from these kind of projects with.

 - Natalie Hales

Learn how HIEEs have helped other WSU faculty & staff

Jonathan Clark


Natalie Hales


Valerie Herzog

Chair & Professor,
Athletic Training

Monica Linford

Academic Advisor,
College of Science

Matt Nicholaou

Professor & Dumke Endowed Chair,
Medical Laboratory Sciences

Carla Trentelman

Sociology & Anthropology

Katrina Twing

Assistant Professor,
Department of Microbiology