Student Organizations & Clubs
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Geology Club
The Geology Club is a fun student-run club that participates in phenomenal field trips, awesome educational outreach efforts, and of course, our own exciting events! The club is open to all students who are interested in the earth sciences and want to make long-lasting friendships. Want to learn more? Just contact any of us who are listed below!
Activities vary from one semester to another, depending on the interest of the students and needs of the community. Recent club activities include hikes, Movie night on 25th Street, WSU 4th grade rock box project, fall break at Yellowstone, a private Kennecott Copper Mine tour, a behind the scenes tour of the National History Museum of Utah, and helping to lead the WSU Shake Up.
2023-2024 Club Officers
President: Jon Henroid,
Vice President: Rory Keefer,
Secretary: Judy Smith
Treasurer: Kara Olsen
Sigma Gamma Epsilon, Eta Gamma

Sigma Gamma Epsilon (SGE) is the national honor/pre-professional society for students in geosciences. The society was founded in 1915 at the University of Kansas and currently has approximately 70 active chapters at colleges and universities across the country.
The Eta Gamma Chapter was established at Weber State in 1998 and has been an official student organization registered with the Office of Student Involvement & Leadership since that time. Membership is open to those students who have distinguished themselves academically in their geoscience coursework. New members are accepted at the beginning of each semester.
SGE’s traditional service project is to organize and run the Rock & Mineral event for middle and high school students as part of the Science Olympiad held at WSU each spring. Other recent chapter activities include collecting and distributing rock samples to local elementary schools, being lead coordinators for WSU ShakeUp events, running summer "Science Hiking" programs in conjunction with Weber Pathways, mentoring International Baccalaureate (IB) students in local high schools who are interested in the geosciences, running monthly "Science Saturday" events for school-age children, and organizing extracurricular field trips and excursions in cooperation with the Geosciences Club.
2023-2024 Officers
President: Logan Knight,
Vice-President: Erik Larsen
Secretary: Judy Smith
Treasurer: Kara Olsen
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Ryan Frazier,
Send photos for this group here.
AEG (Association of Environmental & Engineering Geologists):
Provides students with the opportunity to explore the multifaceted world of geoscience with hands-on, real-world experience. AEG is a big proponent of field trips, leadership opportunities, and community engagement, plus it looks great on a resume!
2023-2024 Officers
President: Jon Henroid,
Vice President: Rory Keefer,
Secretary: Judy Smith
Treasurer: Kara Olsen
Mailing address
Weber State University
College of Science
1415 Edvalson St., Dept. 2507
Ogden, UT 84408-2507