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Follow these instructions to get the correct Nursing Supplies for your clinicals.

Important Nursing Supply Information


Tops – You must purchase the tops through the WSU Book Store.
They are not available from local uniform shops. Sizing information is provided on the WSU Bookstore website. You may also try on samples at the bookstore. If your size is not available, the shipping and embroidery time could be a total of 5 weeks, so please order ASAP.

Any non-fading black scrub pants are acceptable (capri-length scrubs are NOT acceptable). You may purchase black pants from the bookstore or other sources. At least one set of scrubs is required, however two sets are recommended since they will need to be worn in lab, simulation and clinical.
Students wishing to wear a shirt under their scrub top must comply with the following guidelines: The shirt color must be solid white, purple (approved), grey, or black. The shirt must not have any printed logos on it. Students are not permitted to wear sweatshirts or hoodies over their nursing uniform.

Nursing Badge

Every nursing student is required to have a photo ID nursing badge. The cost for you is a $5.00 fee. Pay for your badge at this link ( There is no need to upload your receipt. This will note your payment. If this is not paid by the first day of the semester, the 3% grade deduction will be enforced. 
All badge photos will be taken at orientation and will be distributed during the second week of lab before you attend clinical rotations. Badges are required at every clinical shift.


Shoes must be non-slip, close-toed, and comfortable. No open-toed, open-backed shoes, or shoes with holes will be permitted.


The watch needs to have the ability to count seconds to take vital signs and be waterproof.
Note: Some facilities where you will attend clinical no longer allow smartwatches. Please have an alternative option if this is the case.

Stethoscope and Bandage Scissors

These can also be found on the bookstore website; however, may be purchased from alternative stores as well.

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