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Theatre Program Mission Statement

The Theatre Program at Weber State University is committed to building an innovative and dynamic educational space that celebrates diversity; cultivating a culture of belonging and respect; and fostering creative artists and critical thinkers. With a curriculum catered to each individual, students develop professional skills that prepare them for careers in the ever-changing world of live performance.

Theatre Program Inclusivity Statement

We are dedicated to furthering Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Accessibility within our program and the university community as a whole. Current program-wide practices include: unconscious bias training, theatrical intimacy training, and teaching/implementing sustainability practices in class, shop, and production work. We look forward to expanding these efforts and are excited to welcome new people, ideas, and experiences into our spaces.

Land Acknowledgement

The Theatre Program also recognizes and supports the land acknowledgement statement created by Weber State University. For more information, visit Weber State University’s official Land Acknowledgement website.