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Mechanical Engineering and Professional Sales: Aachen and Amsterdam

Program Details

This program offers students an invaluable opportunity to advance knowledge in materials science and engineering, business communication, and technical sales while gaining firsthand experience in one of Europe’s most innovative regions. Through guest lectures, city tours, cultural activities, and museum visits, students will engage with the rich historical and contemporary fabric of these European cities. Day trips by train to Cologne, Brussels, and Liège will further enhance the global perspective.

Selection Criteria:

  • Be 18 years of age or older.
  • Be a high school graduate or above.


  • for ENGR 2160: CHEM 1210 & ENGR 2140
  • for PS 3250: ENGL 2010
  • for PS 4920: PS 1143 & PS 2603


  • Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • Aachen, Germany

Program Dates:

April 30th - May 17th, 2025


Cost: $3,650 (airfare included)

Deposit: $500 Deposit is due 72 hours after registration. If not paid in that timeframe, you may be dropped from your trip.

Early Bird Scholarship! Students that register prior to Feb. 12th, 2025 will be eligible for a $400 scholarship!

Payments can now be made online! Visit this website for instructions on how to pay your deposit online and future payments. Charges should show on your account within 24 hours after registration. As always, you can pay with a credit card as well. To keep our trip costs low, we encourage the use of ACH Bank Transfers, or payments by cash or check whenever possible.

Included: airfare, insurance, tuition, apartment-style accommodation, and some meals.

Not included: passport, incidentals, excess baggage costs, any unscheduled or local travel, and most meals.


*itinerary is subject to change*

2 April - Program Orientation
16 April - Pre-Program Social with Q&A
30 April (Wed) - Fly from Utah to Amsterdam
01 May (Thu) - Arrive in Amsterdam - Spend night in Amsterdam
02 May (Fri) - City Tour, cultural activities, ride train to Aachen
03 May (Sat) - Students sleep in, Campus orientation, students get metro passes, shown grocery store

04 May (Sun) - Rest Day, day trip into Cologne

05-09 May - 9:00-10:20am ENGR 2160 and PS 4920 taught at same time. 10:30-11:50am PS 3250 taught. Students have afternoon/evening to explore Tu/W/Th special lectures will be offered 1:30-2:30pm. First block of summer semester begins 5 May
06 May - 1:30-2:30pm Special Lecture - Intro to Technical Sales
07 May - 1:30-2:30pm Local Guest Speaker - Techincal Sales Emphasis (TBD)
08 May - 1:30-2:30pm Special Lecture - Technical Sales Careers
10 May (Sat) - Day Trip to Belgium by train
(parallel trips to Brussels and Liege)
11 May (Sun) - Rest Day
12-16 May - 9:00-10:20am ENGR 2160 and PS 4920 taught at same time. 10:30-11:50am PS 3250 taught. Students have afternoon to explore. Tu/W/Th special lectures will be offered 1:30-2:30pm
13 May - 1:30-2:30pm Special Lecture - Intro. to Data Visualization
14 May - 1:30-2:30pm Local Guest Speaker - Sales Emphasis (TBD)
15 May - 1:30-2:30pm Special Lecture - Techniques for Data Visualization, 6:00-8:00pm Group Dinners Leaders divide students into groups which they take to dinner. Students reflect on their experience.

16 May - 12:00-1:00pm Lunch Meeting to review details for return trip
17 May - 1:30-2:30pm Early train to Amsterdam, flight to Utah

First block of summer semester ends 20 June
(Students will have class work to complete after coming home.)

Academic Courses

Students who participate in this study abroad program will be able to register for up to six (6) credits through Weber State University in:

  • ENGR 2160: Materials Science and Engineering (3 credits)
  • PS 3250: Business Communication (3 credits)
  • PS 4920: Special Topics - Technical Sales (3 credits)
  • ENGR 2165: (1 credit)

Program Directors

Dr. Dustin Birch

Dr. Mikelle Barberi-Weil

Dr. Nicole Flink

Trip Cancellations

If Weber State cancels a trip for any reason, all participants will be refunded 100% of funds paid to the school. If a participant withdraws from the program for any reason, they are subject to the refund policy found on the first page of the application.  Deposits are always non-refundable, unless the program is canceled by Weber State.  No refunds will be issued 30 days prior to program start date. 

Refunds will NOT be given to students due to COVID-19 concerns. Before programs were canceled in 2020, every student was given the option to withdraw from programs without penalty due to COVID-19. This year students are applying, cognizant of the pandemic. Weber State will not intentionally place students into high risk situations. We will work together with Program Leaders and Departments on canceling should the destination demonstrate increased risks, be they from COVID or any other concern. As such, students must abide by the standard refund policy.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact the Study Abroad Office at (801) 626-8715.