The latest guidance from AACSB suggests an AoL program that measures student performance less frequently while focusing more efforts on meaningful closing the loop activities. The School of Accounting and Taxation has adjusted our AoL schedule accordingly. We last collected direct measures of student performance in Spring 2020. We will collect again in Spring 2022. In the interim, we are implementing closing the loop activities (curricular changes) that we hope will result in improved student performance across our learning objectives.
Moving forward, we will collect direct measures of student performance and identify closing the loop activities in Spring 2020. We will implement closing the loop activities during Fall 2020, Spring 2021, and Fall 2021, and assess the effectiveness of closing the loop activities in Spring 2022. The cycle will then begin again.
The School of Accounting and Taxation collects indirect measures of student performance in addition to direct, outcome-based measures of student achievement. The department meets regularly with our Advisory Board. Board members provide feedback regarding our curriculum, including suggestions for potential improvements based on ongoing changes in the accounting profession. Additionally, our graduating students complete an exit survey. Students answer questions addessing the degree to which they feel they’ve met the learning objectives identified in our curriculum map. The Master of Accounting faculty discuss these indirect measures during department meetings to identify possible curriculum improvements.