Political Science


  • Mission Statement

    The mission of the Political Science program is to facilitate excellence in learning, critical thinking, discovery, and engagement among our faculty and students consistent with the overarching objectives of the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences and of Weber State University.  Pursuant to that mission, the program is designed:

    • To provide a solid liberal arts curriculum that informs our students of the issues, authors, and content, of the principal subfields defining the discipline of Political Science. 
    • American National Government and Public Administration, Comparative Politics, International Politics, Public and Constitutional Law, and Political Theory. To examine the history and evolution of governance, the relationship of the state to society as a whole as well as to the individual, and the fundamental ethical questions arising from the relationship between power and politics.
    • To educate life-long informed and engaged citizens who demonstrate the finest ideals of citizenship through participating in civic discourse and sustaining a vibrant democracy.
    • To cultivate the reasoning and analytic abilities as well as the oral and written communication skills that provide the hallmarks of a liberal arts education.
    • To contribute to a deeper understanding of politics through faculty and student research. 
    • To offer an excellent undergraduate education in Political Science so that our graduates are well prepared to start careers in government, business, non-profits, international non-governmental organizations, journalism, politics, education, or to continue their post-graduation education in professional or graduate school.