Mailing Information

The Mail Center strives to ensure that every piece of mail is delivered to its destination. We handle over 20,000 pieces of mail a day.
Campus Mail Pickup Times
Delivery and Pick-up times start at 9:00 a.m. each week-day morning. Mail is delivered and picked up from numerous mail stops convenient to the campus. Mail routes are completed and mail is taken to the Mail Center at 11:30 a.m. for processing.
For emergency mail, or mail that must leave campus the same day, please call (801) 797-1875. Mail can also be delivered to the Mail Center by 3:30 p.m. for same-day processing.
Off-Campus Mailing
Make sure mail is properly addressed with complete "To" and "From" address. If you are using window envelopes, be sure the name and address are the only things showing in the window. Otherwise, the automated machines at the U.S. Post Office may misread the piece, and send it back to you. No paperclips, folding clips, or CDs may be inside envelope.
USPS picks up mail from Mail Center at 12:00 p.m. and 4:30 p.m.
Mail Containing Incorrect Address Information
Although we make every effort to deliver all mail, we cannot deliver without a correct address. If you receive mail that is incorrectly addressed, and if you have the correct address, please correct the address and direct the mail accordingly. If you do not know the correct address, please indicate (cross it out) and return it to us in the mail bag. Incoming mail, not bearing an identifiable address will be returned to the sender.
Changing Address
Please keep your University Mail Code (UMC) current in Banner in order to receive intra-campus mail. If you don't know your UMC, ask your secretary. If you move from one department to another, be sure to change your UMC in banner. You may call Human Resources to be sure your address is correctly listed in Banner. You should notify all off-campus correspondents of any address change.
Personal Mail
Personal stamped mail may be sent out with department mail. Please keep stamped or business reply mail separate from outgoing department mail. Personal mail will be delivered on week-days to the U.S. Postal Service at 1:15 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. together with the outgoing University mail. Personal mail must be sealed and bear the proper postage. The Mail Center cannot meter personal mail. If personal mail arrives without proper postage, it will be returned to sender.
Your Return Address
A properly formatted return address is ESSENTIAL for all outgoing mail. Include the department name and the proper Zip+4 (which is your UMC.)
Each WSU department has a unique mailing address. Each mailing address includes the street address of the building in which the department is located and the department’s ZIP+4 code (the ZIP code followed by the department’s four-digit UMC, i.e., 84408-0000). This will enable companies using the U.S. Postal Service address correction/verification programs to correctly identify Weber State University's Zip+4 codes. It will also ensure that mail received at the Mail Center is promptly sorted and delivered to you. The only requirement is that the UMC and "Weber State University" street address is placed on the line directly above the City, State, Zip line. The order of the lines above that are at your discretion.
Your Name (optional)
Department Name
Street Address
Ogden, Utah 84408-0000 (your 4 digit mail code)
Business Reply Mail (BRM) service enables mailers to receive return First Class mail by paying postage only on mail that is returned. The mailer guarantees payment of the appropriate First Class postage plus a per piece handling charge (assessed by the U.S. Postal Service). All BRM postage and handling charges are billed back to departments. BRM design specifications are very detailed and must be exact. For proper postal design and format for BRM, contact USU Publication Design and Production for camera-ready artwork. Your department UMC number must appear in the return address.