
Upload your document to print in our labs

Printing Charges

Each WSU student is given $4.50 in Pharos Cash each year. New WSU students need to get their Wildcard first before
receiving their Pharos Cash. Visit the Wildcard Offices on the Ogden and Davis campuses to get your WildCard today!

Once your $4.50 Pharos Cash is depleted, additional printing will be charged.

5 cents per single-sided B&W page

20 cents per single-sided color page

Check Pharos Cash Balance

Quick Links:   How to print from MobileHow to print from a Lab ComputerFind Printer Device Name

How To Print From Mobile

    • Log in with your WSU Username and Password.
    • Register your email account with the system.
    • Confirm your email account via the link sent to you.
  1. Send your file as an attachment to:
  2. You will receive a confirmation email when your print is ready to be released.
  3. Release your print job to the printer by two different methods, either through the print station or through the Pharos web release site. Detailed instructions are below.

File Types Supported through Mobile Print:

.bmp .csv .doc .docx  .dot .eml
.gif .jpeg .jpg .msg .odp .ods
.odt .ott .pdf .png .pot .potx
.pps .ppsx .ppt .pptm .pptx .rtf
.txt .vdw .vdx .vsd .vss .vst
.vsx .vtx .xls .xlsm .xltm .xltx

How to Print from a Lab Computer

  1. Open the document or page you need to print.
  2. Select the Print function (generally File, Print).
  3. Your print is then sent to the printing system and is ready to be released from the print station.
  4. Take your WildCard over to the print station area.
  5. Log into the print station computer using your WSU Username and Password.
  6. When prompted, swipe your WildCard in the card reader on or next to the print station computer (Tip: The magnetic strip should face the light).
  7. Select your document.
  8. Click "Print".
  9. Your document will begin printing.
  10. Remember to click Log Off at the print station.

Find Printing Device Name