IT Wishes Dr. Bret Ellis the Best on his Future Endeavors

A lot of things happened in 2008. Barack Obama was sworn into office, the Enormous Hadron Collider was enacted, the Summer Olympics were held in Beijing, smartphones became increasingly popular and Dr. Bret Ellis was hired as the Vice President of Information Technology at Weber State University. In the following 15 years as the world continued to change and innovate, Dr. Ellis led the IT Division to innumerable successes, keeping Weber State at the forefront of information technology.
“Under Bret's oversight we have been able to bring together technical people across campus and build a community where we work well together,” Director of IT Business Services and Academic Technology Services Shelly Belfower said. “The CTC (Campus Technology Coordinators) group was formed early in Bret's tenure and has evolved into a group that meets regularly and allows all CTCs across campus to discuss important issues, work collaboratively, and network with each other on important technology projects. His goal was to bring disparate tech people together and keep them talking in an open environment — and I believe it works well.”
“Bret has been a champion of digital fluency efforts and has worked hard to encourage collaboration among academic technology support areas,” Creative Academic Technology Solutions Senior Manager Alan Ferrin said. “He had the foresight to join the state contract for Kaltura providing an invaluable resource for our campus to stream media.”
Dr. Ellis has also been a huge supporter of personal and professional development. From creating career ladders to book clubs and annual employee events, there has been no doubt that he has put his team first.
“I always found Bret very personable and easy to talk to,” Administrative Applications Manager Stephen Guzzetti said. “I appreciated the fact that he had an open door policy and I could talk to him whenever needed. In my 28 years at Weber, Bret was the best VP I've ever had!”
“Bret has been a wonderful mentor to me for the last 15 years and I really appreciate his guidance on critical IT projects,” Enterprise Applications Director Peter Waite said.
After all these positive years at Weber State, Dr. Ellis and his wife are excited to serve the people of Thailand on an LDS mission.
“Weber is a great university to work for, and I never hesitate from recommending Weber to future students I meet with,” Dr. Ellis said.
Join us in celebrating Bret for his commitment to Weber State University and wishing him and his wife, Andrea, all the best in Thailand and in the future.
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