Chartering a Team

Process Action Team Formation Ground Rules


Do not set up a team if you believe you know how the process should be improved (if you believe you know the "solution," you may not be receptive to the team's recommendations or improvement efforts).

Since resources are limited, affirmative answers to the following questions might help identify areas to address first:

  • Is the process essential to the operations of the unit?
  • Does the process contribute to the mission and vision of the organization?
  • Does the process help meet or exceed the needs of our customers?

How to Begin

University-wide cross-functional teams need to be established and chartered by the vice president for administrative services and their first reports.

Intradivisional teams need to be established and chartered by the Directors involved.

Intradepartmental teams need to be established and chartered by the Director.

Process Action Team Formation Checklist

Have I identified:

  • Appropriate Training? (may be different for different teams; initially with Cherrie Nelson's involvement)
  • Team Mission Statement? (process to be improved identified and appropriate scope defined)
  • Expected Outcome? (recommendations vs. implementations)
  • Appropriate Resources? (time, money, meeting site, etc. defined)
  • Time Frame? (the date the improvement effort should be complete)
  • Reasons Why the Effort is Important?
  • Mentor? (the mentor might be the owner of the process; he/she is less involved but contributes by eliminating roadblocks, providing necessary resources, serving as liaison with Quality Council, etc.)
  • Facilitator? (makes the improvement effort "easier" by providing help with TQM methodology and tools and input on group dynamics)
  • Leader? Cleared for Participation? Role Defined? (there may be instances where the team members choose their leader)
  • Members? Cleared for Participation? Role Defined? (when someone is "cleared for participation," there is a commitment that the person will follow through with the entire effort; if something unexpected develops regarding the commitment of a member, the team leader, facilitator, and mentor should address the concern with the member's supervisor and decide if a replacement is appropriate)
  • Reporting Responsibilities? (to whom, frequency, etc.)
  • Copy of Charter to Quality Council?
  • Team's Autonomy? Team's Authority to Requisition Data and Experts for Consultation? (Norm Tarbox and his first reports approval necessary for use of campus-wide questionnaires)
  • Recognition/Celebration Parameters?
  • Communication Plan to Share Charter with Team Members/Leader? (recommend meeting directly with team)

These items should be incorporated into one charter and given to the team.