Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q: What do I wear to the conference?
A: A good rule of thumb is to dress for success. When I presented my paper years ago, I wore a skirt and blouse. It put me in the right frame of mind and gave me the confidence I needed to shine. But wear what makes you comfortable. Look nice and feel comfortable.
Q: How long do I get for my presentation?
A: Each student presenter has 15 minutes to present their work. That includes your question period, so plan 10-12 minutes for your reading and 3-5 for questions.
Q: Do I need to have a PowerPoint presentation?
A: No, in fact most don't. But if you do, please arrive early so you can get set it up before the session. If you don't it will cut into your presentation time, and possibly throw of others as well. You should also bring a clicker to advance your slides. We cannot guarantee there will be one in each room.
Q: I have submitted multiple pieces of work. If accepted, how many can I present?
A: Two.
Q: Will I have the chance to meet the visiting authors?
A: Yes. There will be multiple opportunities to interact with our guest authors. At the end of each keynote, there will be time for questions and book signings.
Q: I am not a presenting, but I would like to attend some sessions. Is there a charge?
A: The National Undergraduate Literature Conference is open to the public. Anyone can attend the student sessions and author presentations. The only thing that requires payment is the opening banquet on Thursday evening. For more information, contact nulc@weber.edu. Space is limited.