Training Courses
The National Center for Automotive Science & Technology at Weber State University is dedicated to providing high-tech training to automotive repair and I/M technicians, instructors, students, regulatory officials and field engineers.
Hands-on lab exercises are conducted to reinforce classroom discussions and are designed to increase repair effectiveness.
Our courses are taught all around the country and by experts in the field. Locations are selected by demand for them. Please send an email to with your name, contact information and location if you are interested in any of the classes.
- Variable Valve Timing/Variable Cam Timing (VVT/VCT): Operation, Fault Diagnosis & Repair Verification
This workshop will detail operation and diagnosis of common VVT/VCT systems. Components, description of operation and manufacture recommended diagnosis will be covered. Additionally, monitoring strategies and readiness monitors applicable to VVT/VCT will be identified. Supporting lab exercises are designed to clarify operation and diagnosis of VVT/VCT systems.
- VVT/VCT Monitoring Requirements
- VVT/VCT Systems, Monitoring Strategies and Operation
- VVT/VCT System and Component DTCs
- VVT/VCT Diagnosis and Repair Verification
- Vehicle Communication and Multiplexing: Operation, Fault Diagnosis & Repair Verification
This course will cover normal operation of CAN (controller area network) communication networks and how it is used to share information between automotive control modules. It will also cover the diagnosis and repair of various CAN system faults including: Uxxx communication codes, open circuits, shorts to ground, shorts to power and faulty control modules. Upon completion, technicians will be able to better understand CAN operating logic, diagnosing CAN system failures resulting in no communication with the scan tool and circuit malfunctions.
- CAN Network Operation
- Vehicle Control Module Networks
- CAN Network Faults and DTCs
- CAN Network Diagnosis and Repair Verification
- Direct Injection: Operation, Fault Diagnosis & Repair Verification
This workshop will detail operation and diagnosis of common direct injection systems. Components, description of operation and manufacture recommended diagnosis will be covered. Additionally, monitoring strategies and readiness monitors applicable to direct injection will be identified. Supporting lab exercises are designed to clarify operation and diagnosis of direct injection systems.
- Direct Injection Monitoring Requirements
- Direct Injection Systems, Monitoring Strategies and Operation
- Direct Injection System and Component DTCs - Fail Safe Operation
- How to Safely Work Around and Disable the High Pressure Fuel System
- Direct Injection Diagnosis and Repair Verification
- Hybrid and Alternate Fuel Vehicle Operation and Safety
A study of the operation and safety precautions related to hybrid-electric vehicles, plug-in hybrids, electric vehicles and alternate fueled vehicles. High-voltage personal protective equipment (PPE) is demonstrated and used in this class
- Hybrid Vehicle Service and Diagnosis
Service and diagnostic procedures for hybrid-electric vehicles, plug-in hybrids and electric vehicles. All students in this class will use high-voltage personal protective equipment (PPE).
- Basic Automotive Electronics Training
Basic electrical theory, diagnosis and repair of computer inputs, outputs and communication systems are covered, along with electrical fundamentals, use of meters and wiring diagrams and wiring repair.
The use of electronic service information, the proper diagnostic process and proper diagnostic service tools are emphasized.
- NOx Emissions Repair Training
This 10-hour course defines NOx emissions and related health/environmental impacts. Specific emphasis is placed on EGR systems, TWC and electronic engine management (including variable valve timing systems) as related to NOx control.
- Define what NOx emissions are and what their health/environmental impacts are
- Describe the purpose and operation of EGR systems and identify the variations of EGR control
- Detail TWC operation and testing procedures for verifying proper converter operation
- PCM inputs and outputs that impact NOx emissions
- Enhanced Emission Repair Training
This 10-hour course details the use of ASM VIR data to identify possible causes of vehicle test failure. Exhaust five gas relationships and analysis are discussed and related to each emission control system.
- Using the ASM test report (VIR) data to identify possible causes of vehicle failure
- 5 gas analysis, specifically the inverse relationship of NOx and HCs/CO
- General emission control systems purpose and operation with emphasis on which emissions are impacted when failure occurs
- Using dynamometer equipment presently available in I/M test stations to diagnose and validate vehicle repairs related to ASM test failure prior to retesting the vehicle
- OBD II Three-Way Catalyst (TWC) Monitor: Operation, Diagnosis & Repair Verification
This 5-hour workshop identifies TWC monitor strategies along with related generic and manufacturer specific DTCs. EWMA strategies are explained and future requirements for NOx efficiency and heated catalysts are discussed. Supporting lab exercises are designed to clarify single-trip and two-trip DTC operation and to familiarize the workshop participant with general and specific diagnostic and repair/verification processes.
- TWC Monitor Operation
- DTC Operation
- TWC DTCs in Diagnosis and Repair Verification
- OBD II Systems: Operation, Diagnosis and Repair Workshop
This 16-hour course thoroughly details OBD II characteristics and operation. Technologies and methodologies used by vehicle manufacturers to meet current and future OBD II requirements are identified and demonstrated with many lab exercises used to support classroom activity. Classroom demonstrations of OBD II system operation and diagnosis with related lab exercises are designed to increase repair effectiveness.
- Purpose of OBD II
- Readiness Codes
- DTCs
- Emission Control System Monitors
- OBD II Diagnosis, Repair/Verification Strategies
- OBD II Misfire Monitor: Operation, Diagnosis & Repair Verification
This 5-hour workshop identifies generic and manufacturer specific misfire DTCs for the Crankshaft Fluctuation and Secondary Voltage Ion detection methods. Misfire monitor strategies are discussed along with diagnosis and repair procedures. Supporting lab exercises are designed to clarify single-trip and two-trip misfire DTC operation and to familiarize the workshop participant with general and specific diagnostic and repair/verification processes.
- Misfire Monitor Operation
- Misfire DTCs
- DTC Operation
- Scan Tool Retrieval of Misfire Data
- Misfire DTCs in Diagnosis and Repair Verification
- OBD II Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) Monitoring: Operation, Fault Diagnosis & Repair Verification
This 5-hour workshop identifies generic and manufacturer specific DTCs for the Intake Manifold Flow/Pressure and Exhaust Pressure Differential detection methods. EGR monitor strategies are discussed along with diagnosis and repair procedures. Supporting lab exercises are designed to clarify single-trip and two-trip EGR DTC operation and to familiarize the workshop participant with general and specific diagnostic and repair processes.
- EGR Monitoring Strategies and Operation
- EGR DTC Operation
- Scan Tool Retrieval of EGR Data
- EGR DTCs in Diagnosis and Repair/Verification
- OBD II Evaporative Emission Control System (EECS) Monitoring: Operation, Fault Diagnosis & Repair Verification
This 5-hour workshop identifies generic and manufacturer specific DTCs for the Fuel Tank Vapor Pressure Fluctuation, Purge Pressure Differential, Leak Pump and Engine Off Natural Vacuum detection methods. EECS monitor strategies are discussed along with diagnosis and repair procedures. Supporting lab exercises are designed to clarify single-trip and two-trip EECS DTC operation and to familiarize the workshop participant with general and specific diagnostic and repair processes.
- EECS Monitoring Strategies and Operation
- EECS DTC Operation
- Scan Tool Retrieval of EECS Data
- EECS DTCs in Diagnosis and Repair Verification
- OBD II Readiness Codes: Purpose, Operation & Use in Repair Verification
This 5-hour workshop details the purpose and operation of readiness codes in OBD II vehicles. Specific focus on how readiness codes should be used for OBD II system repair verification is supported in classroom discussion and on-vehicle lab exercises.
- Purpose of Readiness Codes
- Readiness Code Operation
- Readiness Codes and Scan Tool Displays
- Role in Diagnosis and Repair Verification
- OBD II O2S Monitor: Operation, Diagnosis & Repair Verification
This 5-hour workshop identifies generic and manufacturer specific O2S DTCs for the critical current and ion pump air/fuel ratio sensors as well as the typical stoichiometric O2S. Monitoring strategies are discussed along with diagnosis and repair procedures. Supporting lab exercises are designed to clarify data parameter information as well as single-trip and two-trip DTC operation to familiarize the workshop participant with general and specific diagnostic and repair/verification processes.
- O2S Monitor Operation
- O2S DTCs
- DTC Operation
- Scan Tool Retrieval of O2S Data
- O2S DTCs in Diagnosis and Repair Verification
- Hands-On Emission Control Systems: Diagnosis & Repair Verification Workshop
This 10-hour course features structured hands-on diagnosis and repair verification of vehicles that have failed an I/M emissions test. General and system specific diagnostic strategies are discussed, demonstrated and utilized.
- Diagnostic strategy familiarization related to emission failures
- Relevant diagnostic and repair information retrieval procedures
- Diagnostic procedure and repair verification exercises
- General OBD II for Service Personnel
This 5-hour workshop details the OBD I/M test procedure with related OBD system functions and operation including: MIL command, readiness codes and DTCs. OBD I/M test results along with important differences between NOT READY and FAILED will be discussed. General OBD II system monitoring strategies and related vehicle operating conditions will be addressed to help communicate with motorists what NOT READY for OBD I/M testing indicates and general conditions necessary for a vehicle to be READY.
- Elements of the OBD I/M test
- OBD System Monitors
- OBD II Fuel Trim - Operation, Diagnosis and Repair Verification
This 5-hour class details the various fuel delivery system monitoring requirements and strategies used by vehicle manufacturers to determine if the desired air/fuel ratio is being met. Rear oxygen sensor and individual cylinder fuel trim systems are also detailed. Generic and manufacturer specific fuel trim diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs) and diagnostic and repair verification procedures are identified. Use of vehicle manufacturer web available service information is also incorporated to help increase diagnostic efficiency by familiarizing participants with common and unique features of manufacturer service information websites.
- Fuel System Monitoring Requirements (factors determining system advancements), Strategies and Operation
- Fuel System DTCs and Operation
- Scan Tool Retrieval of Fuel System Information Using Service Modes $01, $02, $03/$07/$0A and $06
- Fuel System Diagnosis and Repair Verification