Seminar Schedule
Thursdays, 9 a.m. Davis campus, D2 Room 110 (unless noted)
*indicates Charitable Chair affiliated Seminar
Date |
Speaker |
Location |
Time |
1/9 1/16 1/23 1/30
Intro to class, Chapter meeting Chapter meeting, Meet ID Chapter officers Katie Walling, Crossville Studios Phil Wentworth, NWL Architects
D2-110 D2-110 D2-110 D2-110
9 am 9 am 9 am 9 am
2/6 2/13 2/20 2/27
No Seminar --- ASC Competition Ryan Henrie --- PPG Paints T O U R --- Silverstate Fabrics Jeremy Inskeep --- Haskell
---- D2-110 TBD D2-110
---- 9 am TBD 9 am
3/6 3/13 3/20 3/27
Spring Break --- no class Chapter meeting Sustainability Summit @ WSU Ogden Closing Social --- TBD
-- D2-110 WSU Union TBD
-- 9am TBD 9 am
4/3 4/10
Kate Desmond, Benjamin Moore
No Seminar --- Attend Charitable Chair 4/11
D2-110 --
9am --
D E S I G N . S E M I N A R
Join the ID 2990 Design Seminar class. Each week, Interior Design Chapter meetings are held, guest speakers present or tours are held.
A schedule for fall or spring semester will be posted at the beginning of each semester.
Anyone is welcome to attend the regularly scheduled speakers.
*The first week of each month is generally dedicated to an ID Student Chapter meeting, hosted by the ID Student Chapter presidency.
Note: Only students registered for the ID 2990 Design Seminar course can attend tours due to space restrictions.
Should space be available, students interested in attending the tour may register on a first-come, first-served basis.
*Indicates those seminars that pertain to Charitable Chair
**Indicates those seminars that may pertain to Study Abroad