Training Resources
Presentations for Departments, Faculty or Colleges
Interested in additional mental wellbeing training for your department staff, faculty or college? Consider scheduling the following presentations. For more information, or to schedule a training, reach out to Dianna Abel, Executive Director of Student Wellbeing.
Presentation Options
You Can Help a Student (YCHAS)
YCHAS is a training made available to Weber State through our affiliation with the Jed Foundation. This presentation trains faculty and staff how to recognize and respond to students in distress. We cover the current landscape of college student mental health, how to identify signs of distress, how you can take action to help, and where to find additional support.
YCHAS is a 45-minute training.
QPR for Suicide Prevention: Question - Persuade - Refer
More than 45,000 Americans die by suicide each year, and suicide is consistently in the top ten leading causes of death in the state of Utah. More than 30% of Weber State students screen positive for suicide risk factors. Yet most people in a suicidal crisis will show some warning signs. We can learn how to respond effectively and potentially save a life.
QPR for Suicide Prevention, an evidence-based standardized curriculum, teaches anyone how to recognize the clues of suicide, ask appropriate questions, persuade suicidal individuals to seek help and refer to effective treatment.
Ideally, QPR is a 90-minute training that includes role-plays. It can be condensed into a 60-minute training.
Incorporate Mental Health Education in Your Classroom
Regardless of the courses you teach, your students’ mental health matters. Better mental health yields better academic performance too! Incorporating some mental health content into your courses is easy, and it doesn’t require any class time at all.
Mental Well-Being Online Course
The Mental Well-Being Online Course (MWB) provides a general overview of mental health signs and symptoms, self-care strategies and ways to support peers who are struggling. The course can be completed in about one hour.
If you are an instructor and would like your students to complete the Mental Well-Being course as an assignment within your class, go to the Canvas Commons WSU online webpage and import the module to your course.
- To access this module you will:
- Go to Canvas
- Click on "Commons" on the left-hand navigation bar
- Search for "Mental Well Being"
- Click on "Import/Download" and indicate which courses you'd like to add the module to
- You should now see the new module in your course titled "Mental Well Being." This module provides an overview of what the Mental Well Being course is and automatically populates a new assignment in your course's assignment category. The assignment asks students to upload a copy of the certificate of completion they receive from the course. You will need to edit the Mental Well Being assignment to reflect the scoring practices in your course.
If you have questions or concerns regarding the content of the Mental Well Being course, please contact Dianna Abel at If your students experience difficulty accessing the course, please contact Chip Coleman at
Therapy Assistance Online (TAO)
Therapy Assistance Online (TAO) offers a large collection of psychoeducational self-help modules addressing numerous mental health topics including anxiety and depression, loneliness, perfectionism, impostor syndrome, grief, and many more. Average length of individual modules is 20-30 minutes. TAO can be accessed through students' eWeber portals.
TAO makes it easy to assign students collections of modules and provide credit for completing them. Doing so incentivizes students to learn important life skills.
Several collections, including First Year Toolkit, De-Stress Success and others are available in Canvas Commons. You can also curate your own set of required modules and track student completions if you like.
Need help setting up TAO in your Canvas course? Contact Rochelle Bronson at for assistance.
Online Suicide Prevention Trainings for Students
Intermountain Health Online Suicide Prevention Training
Suicide risk increases during challenging times like these. Raising awareness about signs, symptoms, intervention strategies and resources are key in saving lives. A final page of resources can be printed as proof of completion.
The online training is brief (15-min) and interactive.
LiveOnUtah Instagram Course
The Live On Playbook is a free, short, accessible suicide prevention course that is applicable to all people. The course explains how to identify and respond to those in suicidal crisis.
There are 10 lessons, each of which takes 5-7 minutes to complete. Those who complete the course by interacting in the comments section will receive a certificate of completion showing that they have completed the suicide prevention course.
The course can be accessed via Instagram @LiveOnUtah.
For more information about how to support positive mental health in the classroom, contact Dianna Abel
QPR For Suicide Prevention
This presentation will teach you:
- How to recognize the verbal, situational, and behavioral clues to suicide
- How to ask a person if they are in a suicidal crisis
- How to persuade a suicidal person to seek help
- How to make referrals for treatments that can help
Faculty & Staff
Upcoming Training Dates:
Wednesday, Jan. 29 | 1:30 - 3 p.m | Shepherd Union (SU), room 312
Tuesday, March 11 | 10:30 a.m. - noon | Shepherd Union (SU), room 312
Course #465-02
(in Training Tracker in your eWeber Portal)
Student & Community Groups
Upcoming Training Dates:
Thursday, March 13 | 10:30 a.m. - Noon | Shepherd Union (SU), room 305
To schedule a QPR training for a student or community group, please contact Dianna Abel at 801-626-6274.

Dianna K. Abel, Ph.D.
Executive Director of Student Wellbeing