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C.A.R.E Team

Coordinated Assistance and Resource Education

Weber State University (WSU) is committed to the health, safety and wellbeing of our students. The mission of the CARE Team is to address growing mental health and associated behavioral concerns among college students by providing coordinated assistance, educating students about resources available to support their wellbeing and working together toward student success.

Goals of the CARE Team

  1. To accept reports about students of concern from members of the WSU community.
  2. To consult toward determining the best course of action.
  3. To coordinate outreach to students in need by the most appropriate staff members.
  4. To engage in student contacts as appropriate to help support student success and prevent students from falling between the cracks.
  5. To balance needs for individualized student support, community safety, and the maintenance of behavioral standards conducive to healthy learning, working, and living environments.
  6. To remain current with relevant literature and best practices in higher education case management, suicide prevention, and related issues.
  7. To serve as a resource for the WSU community in addressing concerning student behavior.

CARE Team Membership

The CARE Team consists of a Chair and one or two backup Chairs who serve as primary care managers for CARE Team cases. Several standing members, ad hoc members and advisors from University Legal Counsel are also involved in CARE Team activities.

CARE Team Chair

 Dianna Abel
Executive Director of Student Wellbeing

Backup Chair

Paige Zarogoza-Davies
Assistant Dean of Students

Backup Chair

Jeff Hurst
Dean of Students

Standing members of the CARE Team represent the following campus departments:

  • Counseling and Psychological Services Center
  • Safe@Weber Violence Prevention and Advocacy Services
  • Student Health and Wellness
  • Disability Services
  • Housing and Residence Life

Ad hoc members, including but not limited to representatives of the following departments, may also be included in CARE Team meetings and involved in student outreach as needed: 

  • Athletics
  • Office of Equal Opportunity 
  • Relevant academic and/or academic support departments 
  • Relevant Student Access and Success departments

The CARE Team is advised by University Legal Counsel.

Reporting students to the CARE Team

You are encouraged to contact one of the CARE Team Chairs when you feel concerned about a student’s mental health, safety or wellbeing. The Purple Folder may help you identify students in distress and navigate next steps. CARE Team members can only follow up on reports that provide identifying information about students of concern. CARE Team members generally share the source of the reported concerns with students, though you may report anonymously if you wish.

Reporting to other entities

The university encourages employees to bring concerns to their supervisor, Human Resources, or other campus entities as appropriate. For emergencies, please call 911.

You can contact any of the members of the Strategic Threat Assessment and Response (STAR) Team if you perceive a threat to the safety or wellbeing of any members of the campus community. It is most helpful if these reports are not made anonymously, but all information is welcome.

Other Report Resources


Dianna K. Abel, Ph.D.
Executive Director of Student Wellbeing