Section 7 - Workshops
7.1 – Definition of Workshops
Workshops are intensive courses that focus on techniques and skills in a particular field. Many workshops are self-contained and may have little outside work required of the participants. They typically augment the curriculum with time-sensitive knowledge and are flexible in their design.
7.2 – Workshop Restrictions & Requirements
Upon approval, a workshop may be taught for no more than two calendar years from when it is first taught.
At the Curriculum Chair’s discretion, the workshop proposal can require review and approval of the full Curriculum Committee.
An outline and schedule of the proposed workshop should be provided, along with the days and hours the workshop is held and a summary of workshop assignments.
Workshops have a specific numbering system set forth by the Board of Regents. They fall under an independent study designation with the numbering of 2920, 4920, 5920, and 6920. The specific designations for these numbers are workshops, festivals, and institutes from 1-5 credit hours (R470).
To determine if the workshop designation is appropriate, the following criteria must be met:
Workshops are not part of a permanent curriculum.
The intended purpose is to augment the curriculum.
Workshops would not be required for graduation.
The format is normally a shortened intensive time period, or the workshop addresses the needs of a unique population.
For each hour of credit, there should be a minimum of fifteen contact hours (50 min. periods) with significant outside work, or a minimum of 22.5 contact hours with little or no outside work.
7.3 – Workshop Deadlines
The Chair and Vice-Chair of the University Curriculum Committee are authorized to approve all workshops. All workshops offered for credit must be approved prior to their beginning date.
7.4 – Workshop Form
Workshop proposals require completion of the Workshop Proposal form, available in Curriculog. An outline and schedule of the proposed workshop should be provided, along with the days and hours the workshop is held and a summary of workshop assignments. A syllabus of the proposed course must also be attached.