Video Resources
Please check out our YouTube page for recordings from past events.
Panel Discussion: Leveraging RSPG Teaching Innovation Grants for Social Justice
Join the Teaching and Learning Forum and the Provost’s Office for a Panel Discussion about the
Innovative Teaching Grants that RSPG facilitates each semester. We encourage all innovations,
especially those that involve social justice and inclusive excellence this year. The Innovative Teaching
Grants are a great opportunity to reimagine your curriculum to be more inclusive and promote social
justice. The panel will be made up of content experts on social justice, pedagogy experts, the chair of
the RSPG Committee, and the Provost and Associate Provost. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to
learn from these experts.
Did you know that millions of college students suffer from the common disease of "Fear of Meeting One-on-One With My Professor" (FMOOWMP). Help them overcome the symptoms of fear, anticipation and anxiety by treating them with the no-fail remedy of Faculty Office Hours. FOHs ("OH!" for short), is a great way to treat their symptoms of regret and remorse for not meeting with you during the semester. Contribute to the success of your students. Show them this video and give them a healthy dose of OHs!
High Impact Practices