Submit Personal Photo for Wildcard
You can upload your own photo for your Wildcard! This information is designed to help you successfully submit a photo online. Please make sure to read each step before submission.
Photo Requirements

Current color photo
Solid, flat background
Face should be well-lit
Headshot directly facing and looking at the camera with open eyes, a natural expression, and no tilting of the head
Smiling is encouraged
Clothing must be visible, however, no uniforms or costumes are allowed
Prescription glasses without glare or tint and religious head coverings are allowed only if worn on a daily basis
Only .jpg files accepted
High-resolution photographs are preferred (at least 300 DPI)
Improper Photos
No one else may be in the photo, keep the background plain.
No hats, sunglasses, headphones, or other accessories obstruct a complete view of the face.
Do not crop or edit your photo in any way before submitting it.
How To Update Your Wildcard Photo:
- Sign in to the Wildcat eAccount Portal Application using your Weber State University credentials.
- Select the Profile link at the top left of the page.
- On the Personal Information page, you will see either your old photo or a placeholder image. Click the link that says “Click to submit a new photo” at the bottom right of the image.
- You will then be taken to a page where you can upload your photo. Photos may be in .jpg, .png., or .gif format and must adhere to the following requirements:
- The photo should be cropped slightly above the head to the middle of the chest.
- The photo should be taken against a plain, light background.
- The photo must be a color photo.
- The photo must not include sunglasses or a hat.
- You must be positioned directly facing the camera in the photo.
- Your eyes should be open and looking at the camera in the photo.
- If the photo you have submitted does not meet the stated requirements, a red “Pending Approval” bar will appear above your submitted photo and a message stating that your photo may not work well for an ID card will be displayed. At this point, you will be required to submit a new photo. If a green bar appears, your photo has been approved.