Sheila Anderson, Ph.D.

Department of Child and Family Studies
ED Room #206
1351 Edvalson St. DEPT 1301
Ogden UT 84408
Office 801-675-1240

Sheila Anderson is an Associate Early Childhood Professor in the Department of Child and Family Studies at Weber State University. She has worked in the field of early childhood for over 25 years (Curriculum Vitae), as a classroom teacher, program director, university instructor, and researcher.

Scholarly work focuses on the effects of early parenting and teacher interactions on child development using observational research methods. She received a Head Start Student Dissertation grant to develop measure of early father-child interaction: Dads' Interaction with Children: Checklist of Observations Linked to Outcomes (PICCOLO-D). Current projects include the adaption the observational measure Parents' Interaction with Children: Checklist of Observations Linked to Outcomes for use with families in China and Family Child Care Professionals. 

Community service focuses on promoting children's development health,  Early Childhood Education workforce and systems coordination, and increasing access to higher education and high quality early education programs. Highlights include Cochair of the Data & Research subcommittee for Early Childhood Utah, founding member of the Utah T.E.A.C.H. and Early EDU Alliance projects. 

Current Courses Teaching

  • ECED 2110/4110 Self-Compassion & Vitality for those who work with Children
  • ECED 2500 Understanding Child Development     
  • ECED 2600 Introduction to Early Childhood Education & Care 
  • ECED 2640/3640 Collaborating with Families 
  • ECED 4730 Early Childhood Education Program Development
  • GSE 6210 Critical Perspectives on Early Childhood                                                                                                                       


Ph.D. Family & Human Development, Early Childhood Emphasis, Utah State University
M.Ed. Education Curriculum & Instruction, EC Emphasis, Weber State University
B.S. Psychology and Human Development, University of Utah
A.A.S. Child Development, Southern Utah University