Annual Report (Colleges)

No. 4-24    Rev. 4-11-00      Date 4-20-77      







An annual report from the colleges and the library shall be submitted by each academic dean and the Dean of the LIbrary to the provost at the end of the academic year. The annual report is an internal working document within the division of Academic Affairs with the primary purpose of describing how the colleges and the library are achieving their mission and goals. This, in turn, assists the division in developing plans for the coming year(s). To this end, faculty and staff within the individual colleges and the library are the audiences for these annual reports. The annual report should be a succinct document; it should include an executive summary of department reports, if applicable, and the following information:



A. College and library goals and progress made in the preceding  12 months to achieve those goals, including descriptions of  events which helped or hindered the achievement of these  goals.

B. Results of library and department outcomes assessment  processes, including a summary of the data that were  collected, changes to be implemented within these units as a  result of the data, and plans for the ongoing assessment of  outcomes within these areas.

C. Outcomes of program reviews or accreditation reviews.

D. Significant recognition received by programs, faculty, staff  and students.

E. College and library goals for the coming year(s).

F. Any other information not covered by items A-E above.