Music by Paid Performers

     No. 2-15      Rev.     Date 10-25-78



A. It shall be the responsibility of facilities managers to insure University facilities are used in such a manner as to substantially comply with these policies and procedures.

B. In all cases where the University is not the sponsoring agency, organizations sponsoring activities involving the presentation of music wherein the entertainment charge is equal to or exceeds $1,000, the sponsoring agency shall be required to pay in advance of the concert the "per concert" fee as determined by the facility's manager after considering the ticket price and projected attendance at the concert and the music to be played.

C. A list of music to be performed will be submitted to the facility manager at least 30 (thirty) days in advance of any concert wherein the entertainment cost exceeds $1,000.  This list should include the title, composer, arranger and identity of the music license holder.

D. All areas within a facility not used during a concert shall be cordoned off.

E. Payment of a concert fee is not necessary if the University can show that no music licensed by a particular licensing company was performed.  Facilities managers should maintain a list of all music performed at concerts together with the composer and arranger of said music.

F. At the conclusion of each concert for which the entertainment cost is $1,000 or more, the facility manager will see to it that a list of the music performed required by Section E above, together with the computation of the license fee, is forwarded to the controller.  The controller will issue checks covering the concert fee to the appropriate licensing company.

G. All contracts providing for the use of University facilities by groups other than Weber State University shall require that (1) the concert fee be paid in advance and (2) that the performer submit in advance of the concert a list of musical pieces to be performed.  This requirement applies to those concerts in which the entertainment expense equals or exceeds $1,000.