Academic Deans

     No. 1-16      Rev. 11-9-89          Date 4-20-77



I. The dean shall be the administrative officer of a given college and is appointed by the Board of Trustees upon recommendation of the president.  He or she has responsibility for all programs in the college including instruction, research, service and student activities related to the college.

II. The dean shall be responsible to the provost but may communicate with other vice presidents on matters in their respective areas.  The dean may be provided with assistants or associates in the various functional areas where the magnitude and scope of the program justifies.

In addition to the general responsibilities stated above, the dean shall have specific responsibilities including the following:

A. All matters relating to college faculty and staff personnel

B. All matters relating to college budgets and finance

C. Providing leadership and maintaining quality in the academic programs of the college

D. Advisement and counseling of department chairs on all matters pertaining to their responsibilities

E. Leadership and coordination of research activities within the college

F. Leadership and coordination of college service activities and community relations

G. Approval of adjunct faculty members who teach courses in academic areas of the college

H. Arrangements with the proper authorities for adequate and suitable faculty office, laboratory and classroom space

I. Representation of the college on the Deans' Council and other administrative committees of the University

J. Acceptance of students for admission in the college and approval of candidates for graduation from the college

K. Other duties as assigned by the provost