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Club Membership

Amnesty international is extremely active at Weber State and as such we have several ways you can join in and be active!

weber state students amnesty international members

1  Like Us!

Like us on facebook! The majority of our events are free and open to the public.

2  Stay Informed

Email Stephanie Wolfe ( to sign up for the email list. It will allow you to keep up to date about meetings, events, etc. also if you use google calendar then request an invite. All amnesty events will then be added to your calendar.

3  Become a Member

Membership is simple - pay 15$ per year (or fill out the waiver form).

Official membership comes with several benefits including:

  • the opportunity to hold a leadership position in the club
  • allowing you to attend all events. While the majority of our events are open to the public and free, there are also restrictive events such as leadership training session and dinner(s) with guest speakers. etc.
  • sponsorship for the regional leadership and human rights conference
  • sponsorship for national leadership and human rights conferences and eligibility for amnesty scholarship

In order to pay your dues see receptionist in the political science office. Receipts should be copied to Dr. Wolfe.