Michael Reynolds
Senior Building Energy Engineer, McKinstry
| Is Electrification More Expensive: Real World Utah Case Studies
Michael Reynolds was one of the first undergraduates hired as a student energy auditor by the University of Utah Industrial Assessment Center (IIAC) when it was reestablished by Dr. Kody Powell at the University of Utah in 2016. Working with the IIAC ignited a passion for energy efficiency and led to a role with Nexant (now Resource Innovations) after graduating in 2018. Michael was with Nexant for 2 ½ years providing custom energy analysis for utility incentive and demand-side management programs, then returned to the University of Utah for a Master’s degree in 2021.
During his Master’s program, he helped launch the Stepwise program, a collaboration between the IIAC and Dominion Energy to promote energy efficiency in extremely large industrial natural gas users and expand the IIAC's scope to include reporting on the air quality benefits of electricity and natural gas savings. Michael’s other research partnerships focused on energy modeling of all-electric multifamily housing and the multifaceted impact electrification can have on affordability and sustainability.
He graduated with a Master’s degree in 2022 and now works as a senior building energy engineer for McKinstry in Salt Lake City, providing engineering analysis and project development for energy efficiency and renewable energy projects for clients with decarbonization goals.