Jacob Cain
Director of Operations in Facilities Management, Weber State University
Thursday, March 24, 2023 at 8:00 a.m. | Electrification: From a Bird’s Eye View to the Nuts & Bolts
Thursday, March 24, 2023 at 1:00 p.m. | Energy Financing: How to Make Your Energy Program a Cash Cow
Jacob Cain is the director of operations at Weber State University. He has worked at Weber for 10 years, starting as an hourly IT analyst, becoming Weber State's first energy manager, and now serving as director of operations. Cain developed the financial model responsible for WSU’s success in energy management and remains a driving force for sustainability in university operations. Under his direction Weber State reduced utility cost by 44 percent, and carbon emissions by over 30 percent since 2009. Cain initiated a movement toward making all campus buildings carbon neutral capable - electrifying all building functions. This innovate move will allow Weber State to source all energy from renewable energy sources by 2040, or sooner. Cain holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Physics and an MBA from Weber. He has a number of industry certification related to energy and sustainability, including Certified Energy Manager, Certified Lighting Efficiency Professional, and Renewable Energy Professional.