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Blood Work

We offer two different blood tests at the HP lab. The first one is Blood Glucose/Cholesterol Screening and the second is a Complete Blood Lipid Profile. Blood is taken by a finger stick, and you receive your results within 5 minutes.


Blood Glucose/Cholesterol

Details: This test measures your blood glucose and total cholesterol.

Instructions: To ensure the most accurate results as possible, please

  • Fast for 12 hours prior to the test, meaning that you can have nothing to eat or drink except water.
Lab Service Students/WSU Affiliates
Exempt from Employee Wellness
Alumni/Retirees Community Members
Blood Glucose/Cholesterol $5 $8 $10

Complete Blood Lipid Profile

Details: This test measures your Total cholesterol, HDL, LDL, Triglycerides, HDL to total cholesterol ratio and blood glucose.

Instructions: To ensure the most accurate results as possible, please

  • Fast for 12 hours prior to the test, meaning that you can have nothing to eat or drink except water.
Lab Service Students/WSU Affiliates
Exempt from Employee Wellness
Alumni/Retirees Community Members
Complete Blood Lipid Profile $15 $20 $25