Wi-Fi Internet
Weber State University provides secure wireless internet access for use by faculty, staff, and active students. Visitor access is also offered via our eduroam and WSU Guest networks.
WSU Students & Employees
These instructions can be performed while on or off campus. It is recommended to forget/clear any known WSU Secure or eduroam connections from your device before starting this process.
- If on campus, Select WSU Guest from your device's Wi-Fi menu. Off campus users begin at Step 3.
- Selecting WSU Guest should automatically open a browser and the Acceptable Use Policy. If necessary, navigate to http://guestwifi.weber.edu to manually open the Acceptable Use Policy.
- Click the Faculty/Staff/Student button which will finish connecting to WSU Guest and automatically continue to the Wireless Onboarding Tool.
- If not automatically opened, navigate to http://eduroam.weber.edu to open the Wireless Onboarding Tool.
- Follow the on-screen instructions for your device to set up your eduroam connection.
- If your device doesn't automatically connect to eduroam while on campus after the tool runs, manually select eduroam from your device's Wi-Fi menu.
For more detailed Wi-Fi connection instructions and videos, refer to the following page: OS Specific Instructions and Tips
WSU Guests & Visitors
Guests visiting Weber State campuses are provided two network options: eduroam and WSU Guest.
Weber State is proud to offer eduroam which provides fast and secure wireless internet on all WSU campuses. This allows guests whose institutions also use eduroam to visit any of our Weber State campuses and connect to our eduroam network by using their own institutional credentials*.
*Visitors having issues with eduroam at WSU should contact the IT support at their home institutions.
WSU Guest is an open, unsecured network that is available to all guests visiting campus. It has limited speed and a strong web filter, so users will not be able to access any secure websites (including many of Weber State's secure web pages) as they will be filtered out by the unsecured network. Users will not need a username and password in order to use WSU Guest, but an internet browser window will prompt and require acceptance of the Acceptable Use Policy before a connection is fully established.
To connect to WSU Guest:
- Select WSU Guest from your device's Wi-Fi menu.
- Selecting WSU Guest should automatically open a browser and the Acceptable Use Policy. If necessary, navigate to http://guestwifi.weber.edu to manually open the Acceptable Use Policy.
- After reading the Acceptable Use Policy, click the Guest button to finish establishing an internet connection.