Security Protocol for Computers in FM

Procedure Number: E01
Issue Date: November 11, 2011
Last Revision Date: November 11, 20

Security Protocol for Computers in Facilities Management

This procedure describes the protocol that Facilities Management personnel will follow for the
security of desktop and laptop computers.

PPM 10-1 Information Security Policy
PPM 10-2 Acceptable Use Policy
PPM 10-3 Network Security/Firewall Policy
PPM 10-4 Payment Card Handling Policy
PPM 10-5 University Telecommunications Services

Computerized maintenance management system (CMMS): Database that Facilities Management uses as a
work management system.
Electronic Communication: Email, text-messaging, instant messaging, and social networks.
Information Technology (IT) Resources: Electronic processing, storage, and transmission
systems, which include but are not limited to: computers, terminals, printers, networks, modem
banks, departmental information systems copy machines, fax machines, online and offline
storage media and related equipment, software, and data files that are owned, managed, or
maintained by the University, institutional and departmental information systems, and the
University’s campus network. 
Users: All faculty, staff, administrators, students, consultants, guests, and any person or agency
employed or contracted by the University or any of its auxiliary organizations who have a
legitimate need to access IT Resources.

Responsible Party:
Director of Facilities Business Services or designee

Facilities Management (FM) users will act in accordance with University policies to ensure
appropriate measures are in place for the security of all desktop and laptop computers in FM.
The Director of Facilities Business Services or designee will perform a semi-annual check on all
FM computers to ensure required security measures are in place. A preventive maintenance type
recurring work request will be entered into the CMMS to prompt this semi-annual review.
The Director of Facilities Business Services or designee will ensure that proper security
measures are set up initially for all computers received in FM. Every computer in FM will have
the following functions performed in order to maintain the security protocols required by
University policy:

A. Securing Computers
1. Each computer will be assigned an inventory number. The Systems analyst or the FM
employee will report each new computer to Property Control to ensure an inventory
number is assigned and the location is recorded for each new computer.
2. Automatic Windows updates will be set to update each time the computer is turned
3. Each computer will have an automatic or manual locking system in place when left
unattended for any amount of time.
4. Each computer will be turned off at the end of the business day.
5. All “File Printer Sharing” will be turned off at the end of the working period.
6. McAfee antivirus and EPO agents will be updated.
7. Anti-Spyware will be installed and running.
8. All FM employees are required to review and be familiar with Weber State
University’s Acceptable Use Policy (PPM 10-2).