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Ms. Catherine Barrett


B.S. (Mathematics Teaching & English Teaching) Weber State University


Contact Information

Phone: 801-626-7585
Semester Schedule


Teaching Philosophy & Focus

My teaching focus centers on providing students with a solid foundation in math concepts to help them prepare for future courses. I believe in the value of group work and both mastery based learning and exploratory learning. Some of my goals are to help students have a growth mindset and believe in themselves. I believe everyone can learn math to high levels, and students will grow through struggling and making mistakes.

Courses Taught

MATH 0950 - Pre-Algebra
MATH 0990 - First Course in Algebra
MATH 1010 - Intermediate Algebra

Search Catalog For Course Details

Research Areas of Interest

I'm interested in improving teaching methods to improve student success and providing students with a sense of belonging.



Let's Connect!
Advisor: 801-626-7451
Schedule Appointment with Advisor


Main Office 

Tracy Hall Science Center (TY) 207

Monday - Friday
  8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Mailing address

Weber State University
Developmental Mathematics
1415 Edvalson St., Dept. 2516
Ogden, UT 84408-2516

Building location

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