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Supply Chain Catalysts

The Supply Chain Catalysts Student Club (SC CATS) is dedicated to helping those interested in studying supply chain management to enrich their educational experience and provide networking opportunities with industry professionals. 

Supply Chain Catalysts works with local chapters of professional organizations to find opportunities for students to network with working professionals. We provide you real-world connections for real-world success.

Sign Up

Visit Nancy Tomon in the Wattis Business Building, Room 205, to sign up.


Visit the Goddard School Events Calendar website for specific dates, times and locations for all of our events. 

  • Team building trips like river rafting and opening socials
  • Resume and bio writing events
  • Skills competitions hosting students from around the nation
  • Facility tours at local companies such as O.C. Tanner, Autoliv and more
  • Mentor matching events

Club Leadership

Coming soon.

Supply Chain Catalysts Contact

Advisor: Ben Neve
Advisor phone: 205-886-2519
Advisor email:
Meeting room: Wattis Business Building, Room 205
Meeting information: Wednesdays at approximately 4 p.m.