Edward Dee
Legislative District Assistant, Navajo Nation
Thursday, March 23, 2023 at 1:40 p.m. | Sustainability and Indigenous Knowledge
Edward Dee (Diné), a graduate with a Master of Arts in Sustainability from the School of Sustainability at Arizona State University. His research includes Sustainable Governance and Policy, Traditional Ecological Knowledge, Social-Ecological Services, Energy Systems, Innovative Community and Social Entrepreneurship, and Sustainable Energy Systems, with an all-inclusive thesis topic of “Mother Earth Father Sky: a theoretical framework and meanings of nature, land, and sustainability in using Diné Lifeway concept.” Edward also holds a Master in Public Administration (MPA) and Master of Business Administration (MBA) degrees. Edward is the former Executive Director with the Office of Navajo Government Development in Window Rock, Arizona. Edward is a former board member on the Arizona American Indian Tourism Association (AAITA) and the co-founder of DinéHozhó, L3C. Edward’s previous work experience includes Arizona State University, Monument Valley Navajo Tribal Park Manager, Little Colorado River Tribal Park Supervisor, Navajo Local Governance Support Center, Legislative Assistant to the Speaker of the Navajo Nation Council, and Director of Navajo Special Education and Rehabilitation Services. Edward is a University of Arizona Undall Scholar class of 2002. Edward is currently a Legislative District Assistant to the Honorable Council Delegate Curtis Yanito, the 25th Navajo Nation Council. Edward resides in Red Mesa, Utah on the Navajo Nation and he is an Honorable Discharged Army Veteran with 8 years military active service.