Andrew Welle
Senior Staff Attorney, Our Children’s Trust
Thursday, March 17, 2022 at 3:30 p.m. | Constitutional Climate Litigation in Utah: The Case for a Livable Future for Utah’s Youth
Andrew Welle earned his J.D. at the University of Oregon School of Law in 2013 with a concentration in environmental law. Following law school, Andrew worked as an associate in a nationwide AM 100 law firm for two years before accepting a post-grad fellowship with Oregon Law's Environmental and Natural Resource Center, where his scholarship focused on multinational trade agreements, environmental sovereignty, and the Public Trust Doctrine. Afterwards, Andrew worked with Blue River Law on Endangered Species Act, NEPA, Clean Water Act, and Freedom of Information suits, and on additional matters as a sole practitioner, including representing the League of Women Voters as amici in Juliana v. United States. As a senior staff attorney with Our Children's Trust, Andrew works on both federal and state efforts, including drafting briefs in Juliana and serving as counsel in Sagoonick v. State of Alaska, and Aji P. v. State of Washington. In his free time, Andrew enjoys backpacking, trail running, exploring the Pacific Northwest, and playing in the local band, the Garden Weasels.