What is GETUP?
The GETUP program is designed to excite you about the geosciences, from potential careers to how you can make informed decisions on environmental issues and sustainability. We want you to join our community of students and faculty in the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences at Weber State University (WSU).
We understand that many of you have never taken a geology course and may not understand the wide range of career opportunities available to earth and environmental science graduates, both locally and globally. Through various GETUP activities, you can learn about the importance of geosciences in society, how we conduct research, and what types of career opportunities exist for you with an earth and environmental science degree.
Participate in the GETUP program and prepare for rewarding careers in the geosciences.

Concurrent Enrollment Courses
Take a Concurrent Enrollment introductory geology course that incorporates project-based learning activities and is taught in collaboration with teachers at Weber Innovation High School and NUAMES. For juniors and seniors in high school.
Student Mentor
Become a student mentor. Upper-level earth and environmental science students can earn credits, volunteer hours, and money by helping teach students in the GetUp program. Improve your geoscience knowledge while helping bring other students into our exciting program.
Community-Engaged Learning
Take a Community-Engaged Learning environmental course (GEO 1060), with opportunities to address local issues and support educational outreach. For first or second-year students at WSU.
*Summer Research Experience: Currently not being offered.
Participate in a Summer Research Experience, where you will conduct collaborative projects centered around a newly developed Great Salt Lake field observatory. For first or second-year students at WSU.
*Summer Bridge Program: Currently not being offered.
Apply to participate in the Summer Bridge, where you will conduct local research and learn about our dynamic Wasatch Mountains and Great Salt Lake ecosystem. For incoming students to WSU.
Mailing address
Weber State University
College of Science
1415 Edvalson St., Dept. 2507
Ogden, UT 84408-2507